Saturday, September 12, 2020

Certain Kinds of Election Night Riots Will Be Put Down Quickly

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

In an interview that was taped with Jeanine Pirro of Fox News earlier in the week and set to air later today, Donald Trump addressed the topic of possible rioting by American citizens on election night.  Speaking of the possibility of turmoil in the streets if he is re-elected, Trump vowed that protesters would be dealt with quickly:

"We'll put them down very quickly if they do that.  We have the right to do that.  We have the power to do that, if we want."

Trump continued, in what has become his standard garbled manner:

"Look, it's called insurrection.  We just send in, and we do it very easy.  I mean, it's very easy.  I'd rather not do that because there's no reason for it, but if we had to, we'd do that and put it down within minutes."

Trump did not speculate as to what he would do if he lost and America's streets were suddenly taken over by red-eyed hillbillies firing guns.

In other election strategy, Trump has also indicated that he plans on having a significant law enforcement presence at polling stations, an action he promotes as election security and others see as being voter intimidation.  Last month Trump told Sean Hannity, also of Fox News, that he would order law enforcement officers to  polling places in an effort to keep the elections honest.   He explained to Hannity:

"We're going to do everything.  We're going to have sheriffs, and we're going to have law enforcement, and we're going to have, hopefully, U.S. attorneys, and we're going to have everybody and attorneys general."

Trump's tilt toward voter intimidation and vote suppression was so obvious that White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows felt obliged to issue a statement to the effect that Trump was not advocating a form of voter suppression!

Right, Mark.  And he's not planning to limit free speech in the streets either!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

This sounds like more silly blabber by Donald Trump.
It is not.
He has made a serious threat.

We know this because of his limited vocabulary. Trump is a stranger to the word insurrection. His people, probably Bill Barr, informed him of that word.

The rest is what to expect. Protests infiltrated by counter protests. Trump loyalist (racist) law enforcement on the ground to amp up the instability. Confusion heaped upon confusion colored with the stain of rebellion will muddy up the waters in the run up to Trump's attempted coup d'état.

He wants to be a dictator.
He wants to be a dictator.
He wants to be a dictator.

Vote him out.