Saturday, August 29, 2020

Disrespecting the People's House

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Every President with the lone exception of George Washington has resided in the White House, with most using it not only as their home but as their office as well.  And while the official occupants have represented several political parties, until this week the building itself had never been expressly used  as a stage for partisan political politics.  

It was - and is - the People's House and it belongs to the nation - and not to one particular party.

This week the White House became a political backdrop for the Trump re-election campaign.   It was used for a naturalization ceremony and a presidential pardoning, both of which went on to become featured at the Republican national convention, and on Wednesday evening First Lady Melania Trump addressed the GOP convention from the White House Rose Garden.

The White House, a place of historic significance to all Americans, was getting quite a workout as a backdrop for one political party.

But the real coup de grace came on Thursday evening when Donald Trump used the South Lawn of the White House for his acceptance speech for the GOP nomination.    Non-socially distanced seating was set up for 1,500 individuals (most of whom did not wear face masks), and at least three lighted"Trump-Pence billboards were  erected on the lawn.  The speech by Trump was political in nature, with Trump mentioning his opponent by name forty-some times during the address.  After the speech an opera singer gave a performance from the Blue Room balcony - and there was a massive fireworks display on the National Mall which served to illuminate the White House in a party mode.

It was one helluva partisan political party - and it was given in a house that belongs to all of us.

The White House is the People's House, and it has been hugely disrespected by Donald Trump and the Republican Party.   For that reason alone they deserve to be driven from power!


Xobekim said...

I am guessing Trump hid the pay toilets out of camera view.

Pa Rock said...

Oh for a photo of Rudy Giuliani or Don Jr. relieving themselves in Melania's new bushes!