Wednesday, August 12, 2020

Biden-Harris 2020, a Perfect Vision!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Joe Biden and his campaign showed some uncommonly good sense yesterday by announcing the selection of Senator Kamala Harris of California as his running mate in this year's presidential election.  Senator Harris, a fifty-five-year-old political dynamo, is a former San Francisco District Attorney who also served as Attorney General of California before being elected to the US Senate in 2016.  

As a lawyer with a strong prosecutorial background, Kamala Harris has been quite effective in grilling witnesses and presidential nominees who come before the Senate.  Yesterday, after the announcement that she would be on the Democratic ticket in November, Donald Trump lamented that she had been the "meanest" senator to interview his Supreme Court nominee, Brett Kavanaugh.

Aside from Trump's rather tame evaluation, other Republicans have also been quick to label Senator Harris as "ambitious" and a "radical left-wing liberal."

Harris, who identifies as black and Asian, was the child of a mother from India and a father from Jamaica. The senator and her husband, Douglas Emhoff, have no children of their own, but he has two from a previous marriage who are Kamala's step-children and refer to her as "Momala."   Emhoff is a partner in a Los Angeles law firm.

Kamala Harris will bring energy and enthusiasm to the Democratic ticket.  Her sharp intellect and command of the facts will stand in bold contrast to both Pence and Trump, as will her life story which is more in tune with those of average, working-class Americans.  

This year the Democratic ticket looks and sounds like America, while the GOP ticket continues to resemble something that was culled from a corporate boardroom - or the set of The Apprentice.  If Americans truly want a return to normal times and a government that works for Main Street instead of Wall Street, the Democratic Party is providing them with the way to get there.

The ticket of Biden-Harris 2020 clearly embodies the great potential of America and stands ready to lead us into a better future!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

It is difficult to believe that this is not an alternate reality when the Republican Party, clearly radicalized by right wing fascist and beholden to Vladimir Putin, accuse anyone of being a radical. If this were agriculture instead of politics you'd be quick to figure out that their manure spreader was broken.