Friday, May 4, 2018

In Defense of Governor Scumbag

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The on-line publication Daily Kos crossed a line this morning when it called my governor, Eric Greitens, a "scumbag."  Just who the hell do those left-wing typists at Daily Kos think they are anyway - H.L. Mencken and Ida Tarbell?

Okay, so Governor Scumbag Greitens may have hit a rough patch politically, but that is no reason to pile onto a man when he is down.

Missouri's esteemed Republican governor may have been indicted on two serious criminal charges, but he claims he is innocent of both taking pictures of a mostly naked woman that he had bound and blindfolded in his basement gym - or of stealing the donor list from a veterans' charity that he founded, a list that he subsequently used to fund his campaign for governor.    He is innocent until proven guilty folks.  Leave the thieving perv alone!

Greitenss legal battles over his various criminal accusations are set to begin next week in St. Louis and may drag on for an extended period of time, but the Republican-controlled Missouri Legislature has taken it upon itself to jump the judicial gun and call a special 30-day legislative session beginning on the evening of May 18th to look at impeaching poor Eric.  Some say that certain members of the legislature want to get rid of Greitens because he entered office posing as a reformer and was critical of some elected members of his own party.  Others allege that the legislature is in a hurry to shove Greitens off of the state stage so that he will not cast a pall over the U.S. Senate campaign of fellow Republican and state attorney general Josh Hawley.

Governor Scumbag Greitens deserves his day in court - a real court and not the kangaroo variety that the legislature is trying to rope him into.  Chances are excellent that he can explain away all of the charges that are being leveled against him.  The gym in his basement, for instance, undoubtedly posed dangers to someone who did not have Greitens extensive Navy Seal physical training, and he probably duct taped the semi-naked hairdresser to exercise equipment for her own safety - and then he blindfolded her so that she would not harm herself trying to break her restraints as she lusted after his ripped commando body.  His only real concern was for the poor woman's welfare.  Then, while she was bound and blindfolded, he even took a commemorative photo to remind her of her exciting day in his gym!

And as for stealing the list of donors to his veterans' charity, The Mission Continues, well . . . Christmas was coming and he had to get those cards in the mail!

It can all  be explained logically, but is that good enough for Daily Kos or the Missouri Legislature.  Hell, no!  Those folks want to hang poor Eric for political expediency.

There are 161 members of the Missouri House, and 138 of them signed the petition calling for the special impeachment session.  It will only take 82 to vote out articles of impeachment and send the whole matter to the state senate - where 29 of 33 state senators also signed the petition calling for the special session.  If the House votes to impeach, the senate will select a panel of seven circuit or appeals court judges to hear the case against Greitens.  Those seven would then vote on whether to remove him from office or not, with five votes being necessary for removal.

In the event Geritens is impeached by the House, Lt. Governor  Mike Parson would take over as acting governor during the senate trial.  If the panel established by the senate voted to remove him from office, Mike Parson, also a Republican, would be crowned governor.

(This is the first time that the Missouri Legislature has ever taken it upon itself to call a special session, and if Greitens is impeached and removed from office, that would also be a state first.)

It's all so very unfair.  Eric Greitens is the epitome of a Missouri Republican.  He was duly elected and he deserves to spend four full years as our governor.  He belongs to us, and we deserve him - and Daily Kos needs to shut the hell up!

Governor Scumbag, indeed!

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