Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Sebastian Phoenix Files Is a Fit and Feisty Five!

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

My second-oldest grandchild, Sebastian Phoenix Files, turns five-years-old today.  He has a little brother named Judah who is going on three, and a little sister named Willow who is eight-months-old.  They live with their parents, Scott and Molly, in Salem, Oregon.

I was with Sebastian on his third birthday, shortly before I left for overseas.  He was a busy boy then, and I know that he has grown and changed - and gotten even busier - in the intervening two years.

Since I last saw Sebastian, he has learned how to write his name, quite an accomplishment when you consider that it has nine letters!  He speaks some Spanish and likes going to his "school" where he has many friends.  Sebastian likes trains, and he has a large wooden train track that he assembled himself.  His favorite movie is The Polar Express.  (He and I watched The Polar Express together one night when he was just a couple of months old and I was babysitting.  I like to think that is a small part of the reason that he likes that movie so much - and I'm a grandfather so I don't have to think rationally!)

Sebastian is fun to talk to on the phone.  He will get on and chatter for several minutes giving me all of the news.  Now he has even begun to send me emails by dictating what he wants to say to his mother.  Soon we will live closer together and he will be able to give me news updates in person!

Sebastian, have a wonderful time on your birthday!  Pa Rock loves you and wishes you all the best - always!


molly. said...

Thanks Dad! We are getting geared up for his party at the park right now! Sebastian wants me to write for him.. Hello Pa Rock. This is the end of this letter Pa Rock. Deee! Bye!! :)

He's busy playing with his new toys. :) We are logged onto Skype now so feel free to contact us anytime!

molly. said...

And thanks for the sweet blog post! I'm having a hard time accepting that he is five years old!