Tuesday, August 6, 2024

Damned Evil Detour!

by Pa Rock
Weary Road Warrior

About thirty minutes ago I arrived safely at the home of the Macy family of Roeland Park, Kansas.  Somehow.  It was an easy drive up from West Plains, with no problems.   No problems, that is, until I got to within spitting distance of their house and then encountered a construction blockade  and detour on Roe Boulevard.  (I think they should have called it Roe Road, but nobody asks my advice on anything.)   The detour was especially irksome because I needed to pee so badly I could almost taste it!

I turned left off of Roe, as per the advice of the detour signage, and drove for a couple of blocks and then took a right, without the advice of the detour signage, because I generally have a good sense of direction and knew basically where it would lead.  Five minutes later I was hopelessly lost in a residential neighborhood encountering street signs that I had never seen before.  Twenty minutes after that I finally pulled up to a very nice lady who was out walking her dog, and asked for directions - and she managed to get me turned around and straightened out.

Bless her heart!

I could not call Tim or Erin for directions because they had been on a family outing in the Caribbean and for the past couple of days been holed-up in a hotel in Orlando watching the torrential rains that were spawned by Hurricane Debby while they tried unsuccessfully to get on a flight back home.  As of last night they had finally given up on getting a plane out and had rented a van to drive home.

So today it is just me and Jack the Dog and a couple of parakeets.  Hopefully the other Macys will make it in tonight sometime.  I leave for Chicago tomorrow on the train, and Tim is flying there on Thursday.

The older I get, the less simple life becomes!

PS:  Rosie stayed home with Nick and Gypsy.

(Check back later today for another posting.  It will be about the extraordinary 2024 Democratic presidential ticket - and am I ever pumped!  We're gonna win this thing!)

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