Monday, June 3, 2024

A Good Reason to Visit Canada this Summer

by Pa Rock
Road Warrior

My summer vacation is scheduled to begin two weeks from yesterday when I will hop in my little Korean car and putter off to Kansas City.  I will be in the Kansas City area one or two nights where I expect to see five of my six grandchildren, and then I will head out north toward the international border, the one that does not drive Red State America barking mad.

I will cross into Canada somewhere south of Winnipeg in the eastern edge of the Province of Manitoba, and from there meander north and west possibly as far as Saskatoon in Saskatechwan, drift over into Alberta and finally reenter th US somewhere in northern Montana or Idaho.  From there I would like to see Glacier Park for the second time in my life and maybe even drive the terrifyingly beautiful "Going to the Sun Road" again, before finally descending and heading to my ultimate goal of Salem, Oregon.

My itinerary is intentionally indefinite, and I plan to go where the day and the road take me.  I will cover the trip on a daily basis in this blog.

That will be my second extended foray into Canada.  More than thirty years ago our family went on a van excursion up into Ontario and Quebec where we drove all the way to Quebec City, an experience of a lifetime that I heartily recommend to anyone who would like an immersive experience in French Canada.

It turns out this is an exceptionally good time to visit Canada because tourists from the states will not have to face the dreadful possibility of running into Donald Trump while they are there.  Somewhere along the line I will have to pull into a public laundry and catch up on my wash, and it would be just my luck to be in an all-night laundromat in Moose Jaw, washing a couple of loads of my travel rags and reading a good mystery novel, and have that bloated nuisance waddle in and park his diapered butt across two plastic chairs - and then have to spend the rest of my time there listening to him piss and moan about "crooked Joe Biden," corrupt judges, and how unfairly he is treated by almost everybody.

I don't know how many victim cards are in a standard Trump deck, but he has worn out several!

Justin Trudeau I could listen to, at least for as long as it took my clothes to tumble dry, because he at least has a personality - but not Trump!

Now, however, thanks to his unanimous felony convictions on thirty-four counts of criminal behavior, I won't have to.  Trump will not be allowed to cross into Canada without special permission from the Canadian government.    Even if the United States would suffer the world's greatest brain fart this November and send him back to the White House, Trump will still be persona non grata in Canada and a few dozen other countries because of his felony convictions.  He would not even be able to attend next year's G-7 Summit which is scheduled to be held in Canada, unless he requests and is granted special permission by the Canadian government to enter their country.

Donald John Trump, a man who is a great respecter of the sovereignty of national borders and the sanctity of law, would be hard pressed to beg for entry into Canada - unless, of course, the summit was to be held near a world-class golf resort.  That might be cause for an exception to his passionate defense of law and order.

Enjoy your summer America.    I know I will!

1 comment:

RANGER BOB said...

I recommend reentering the US through Parks Canada's Waterton National Park. It is adjacent to Glacier National Park and together, they are the Waterton-Glacier International Peace Park. You're going to Glacier anyway and you can swing back north to the Idaho panhandle. It's a vacation.