Wednesday, June 12, 2024

Spreading the Manure of the Bull

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

As I left he grocery store yesterday afternoon I stepped into the parking lot and came directly upon a nice pickup truck with a carefully hand-printed sign in the back window of the cab that read:  "Trump 2024:  No More Bull Shit."   The truck appeared to have been parked just outside of the store's main entrance deliberately so as to draw as much attention as possible to its owner's political message.

I wasn't offended, or even surprised, because in this area you routinely come across things that are so much worse.  (I even saw the "F" word connected to the current President's last name in large letters in a truck window a few months ago, and I guess I'm okay with that.  Trump says he's coming back, so we might as well get used to living in a sewer,)

The sign yesterday had been carefully crafted, it was not a slapdash affair.  Someone had taken their time in painting it onto the cab's back window in white shoe polish.  I did note that the sign painter  chose to make "bull shit" two words instead of the more standard single word.  I suspect that is because as one word, and being eight letters long, there was a fear by the painter of being dubbed an "intellectual," which is a fighting word in these parts.

Donald Trump used the word "bullshit" at a rally in Dream City, a large, right-wing mega church in Phoenix last week.  Joe Biden had signed an executive order to place some restrictions on immigrants entering the country - since Republican members of Congress at the behest of Trump had refused to do so.  Trump, who is desperate to use the racial animus and bigotry stirred up by immigration in his campaign, commented about Biden's executive order in the Phoenix church and referred to it as "bullshit."  To his obvious delight, members of the audience then began chanting "bullshit," and he smiled, laughed, and encouraged them to continue.

Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit, praise Jesus, and pass the collection plate!  Doesn't Trump's version of Christianity just warm you to the core!

And now, less than a week later, the manure of the bull has spread across the back windows of pickup trucks in rural Missouri.  It's a movement of more than just the bowels of the bull.  Trump's bullshit is redefining Christianit in America, and it stinks to High Heaven!

Fertilizing our lawns and gardens this year would just be redundant.  Donald has us covered.

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