Friday, June 14, 2024

Too Damned Old to be President

by Pa Rock
Disgusted Voter

Donald John Trump is turning seventy-eight years old today.  He is too damned old to be President of the United States - and he primarily speaks gibberish.  Distill from that what you will.

If either of the major political parties had the courage to run a whip-smart forty-year-old this year, they would win the presidency in a cakewalk.

I read today that state judges in Arizona are required to retire at the age of seventy.  What a sensible solution to the problem of old people trying to cling to power.    Seventy would be the ideal age for judges, members of Congress, Presidents, and even Supreme Court justices to pack it in and retire.  

Happy birthday, Donald, and I really mean that.  We all know you would rather be playing golf than worrying about a campaign, but staying out of jail requires great personal sacrifice.  Have a wonderful day and enjoy a Big Mac or three on donations to your election racket.

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