Friday, May 24, 2024

One Ringy Dingy

by Pa Rock
Eternal Victim

Yesterday, on one of my few forays into town, I decided to stop by the cellular store and make sure that I will have phone coverage if I drive into Canada next month.  The nice young man who assisted me said that most of the plans cover Canada and Mexico, but if I would give him my name and number, he would check just to be sure.

It was a good thing I stopped to inquire because my over-priced, full-coverage plan did not include that coverage.  However, the young man said not to worry because he would fix me right up.  The new plan, which covers travels through Mexico and Canada, came with an adjustment in price - it was $12.00 a month cheaper!

Thanks, Verizon.  Now I am wondering why you could not have told me about this plan sooner!

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