Thursday, March 7, 2024

Lunatic Move Would Make Schools Even Less Safe

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

At a time when more and more American schools seem to be functioning as shooting galleries for angry, impotent young men, along comes an attention-seeking, elderly male politician with an insane plan to make our nation's schools even more dangerous.

Last weekend at a campaign rally in Richmond, Virginia, Donald Trump, a man who makes former Republican President George W. Bush look like a Rhodes Scholar, laid this threat on America's schools:

"I will not give one penny to any school that has a vaccine mandate or a mask mandate."

Trump, of course was not talking about his own pennies, he was talking about ours - the public treasury - and while the federal government is not the primary funder of America's public schools, loss of federal funds would have a staggering impact on our nation's schools and cause many to close.

Trump's declaration in Richmond came as part of a long rambling diatribe in which he seemed to be, at best, tenuously tethered to reality.  At one point during his ramblings he spoke as though the current US president was Obama.  After the campaign speech, some of the people who clean up his messes were quick to declare that Trump had not meant what he had said - and that he was talking only about COVID vaccine mandates.  Others, however, with clear hindsight, know that sometimes what Trump says, whether it sounds like nonsense or not, is exactly what he means and precisely where he is headed.  

Trump said exactly the same thing in Rock Hill, South Carolina last month.  It is a red meat line that he enjoys tossing to his extremist base who not only want to own the libs, but to tear them apart and feed them to their dogs for breakfast.  Libs are their mortal enemies.   Libs are often educated, and they become educated by going to school, so why not destroy the schools as a way to stamp out libs?

There would be no need to worry about Critical Race Theory if there was no place left to teach it.  Closing schools would close the school libraries, and many kids would no longer be able to get those subversive books that the teachers want them to read.  Taxpaying patriots would no longer have to spend sleepless nights worrying about who was using who's bathrooms at the local schools, or playing on which sports' teams.  Gone would be concerns about pronouns, and furries!  Getting rid of schools would just take care of so many important social problems all at once.  

And then America's kids would be free to become rich using their own big brains and initiative - just like Donald Trump did!

But here are some other facts, facts that came about through the study of hard science and not theology, phrenology, reflexology, numerology, or even cosmetology:

  • Every state in the union has vaccine mandates that they impose of their public schools, and often other schools in the state as well - even the most conservative states.  Virginia, where Trump succumbed to his verbal diarrhea last weekend, has eleven vaccine requirements for students attending schools or other child care facilities.  
  • Massachusetts has had vaccine requirements for schools since 1853.
  • Trump, himself, was vaccinated against COVID.
Donald Trump is not a visionary whose aim is to lead us to a bright and shining future.  He is a mean-spirited and vindictive tyrant of a man who operates on grudges and retribution.   If he says that he is going to do something that would be a death knell for American education, we had best believe him.

Donald Trump's concern for America begins and ends with what is in his own interests - and school students certainly don't make that cut.

Now instead of just worrying about where to hide when some crazy shooter rushes into their school, students will also be burdened with concerns about becoming ill or even dying from things like measles, mumps, chicken pox, polio, COVID, RSV, the Plague, and God knows what all!  

Some day soon we will all be as smart as Trump - if we can just get rid of the damned schools!  

And if we can't get rid of the schools, let's at least make them so dangerous that parents will be afraid to send their kids there.  

Keep 'em stupid, Trump.  It's great politics!

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