Thursday, January 12, 2023

OMG! Biden Is Coming for Our Gas Stoves!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The ultra-right, ultra-white, lunatic fringe of the GOP has been fear-mongering over guns for several decades with declarations that some un-American Democrat is coming to take your guns.   At first it was Bill Clinton, then Obama, the Hillary Clinton, and now Biden.  It has never happened, of course, but fear is a great motivator and a pot that GOP party bosses and their propaganda arm, Fox News, are always eager to stir.

This week the Paranoia Chorus has added another song to its repertoire and is now singing a bluesy alarm about Biden coming to take your gas cooking ranges.  That straw man was quickly crafted by right-wing politicians and journalists after reports from the Institute for Policy Integrity and the American Chemical Society surfaced which said that natural gas stoves emit air pollutants such as nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide, and fine particulate matter at levels which the US Environmental Protection Agency and the World Health Organization have both said are unsafe and linked to respiratory illness, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other dangerous health outcomes.

Additionally, in peer-reviewed medical research released just last month, it was also revealed that 12% of childhood asthma cases can be traced back to gas stoves.

But red-white-and-blue-blooded Americans who do most of their shopping and socializing at Walmart ain't having it.  In fact, many believe that the whole thing smells more than a little like Fauci.

In addition to harming humans, gas-powered stoves are also bad for the environment, producing carbon dioxide which warms the environment, and constantly leaking methane which warms the earth even faster than carbon dioxide -  but conservatives won't believe that is a problem until Mar-a-Lago goes under water.

The US Product Safety Commission will seek public comments on the matter later this winter, and a national ban on gas stoves could result - but it won't happen nationally anytime soon.  (However, California and New York, a pair of well known health and environmental leaders, are already making bold moves toward the eventual elimination of gas stoves.)

But, in the meantime, be on the lookout for men with moving dollies in pickup trucks circling through your neighborhoods - because Biden is definitely coming for your gas stoves!!!

(Personal Note:  I switched from a gas range to an electric one two years ago - and I had to pay to have my old stove hauled off.  I WISH Biden would have come for it!)

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