Wednesday, July 6, 2022

Mass Shootings No Longer Shock

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

My bullshit detector nearly exploded on Monday after President Biden said that he and Jill had been "shocked" by the mass shooting at the Fourth of July Parade in Highland Park, Illinois.  Shocked?  Really, Joe?  That's an odd reaction because most of America moved past being "shocked" by mass shootings years ago.   Now these massacres are commonplace - each just another day in a well-armed and poorly-regulated America.   I personally haven't been "shocked" by a shooting since Sandy Hook.

Shock is just about as useless as thoughts and prayers.  

If you and any other political leader in America wants to shock me, start belching fire and spitting rage!  Go after the gun industry with a ferocious zeal.  Expose their lies, regulate their sales, demand complete and accurate records of background checks and sales, enact mandatory gun-safety regulations, make it easier to trace guns and ammunition used in crimes, pass laws to keep guns out of the hands of criminals, domestic abusers, and those adjudged to be mentally incompetent, ban the sale of semi-automatic and automatic weapons to private individuals, ban the sale of high-capacity magazines, and require every gun owner to have liability insurance on every gun he owns.

And the National Rifle Association needs to go to hell!

America has been fed enough gun pablum over the years,  If our politicians will not stand up to the gun pandemic in America, it is time to replace them with politicians who will.  We are sick and tired of the never-ending slaughter.    Now it's time for action!

America's leaders need to roll up their sleeves and get to work on reforming our crazy gun culture, or they need to get out of the way and make room room for new leaders, ones who won't cower before the bullies of the gun lobby!

We can no longer be shocked - it's time to fight back!

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