Friday, July 22, 2022

Hawley Hauls Ass!

by Pa Rock
Missouri Voter

I regret that I had a doctor's appointment this morning that was over fifty miles from my home.  That threw me to be exceedingly late in getting this glowing tribute to my state's junior US Senator, Josh Hawley, posted.  And by the time I finally set to work on getting it done, it was a hard piece to title because all of the good memes had already been used (many, many times) on social media!

If you are one of the nine or ten Americans who have yet to see the video clip of Hawley running through the Capitol in a total panic - a video that premiered during last night's January 6th Congressional Hearing - for Pete's sake pull it up on the internet.  It is positively priceless!  I roared with laughter as I watched, and so did most of the people who were present at the committee hearing.  Hawley looked like a character in a Roadrunner cartoon who was trying to outrun a falling anvil!  Beep beep!

Man, can that sucker run!

The January 6th Committee led into that now infamous clip by first showing the iconic photo of Josh earlier that day raising his fist in support of the insurrectionists and noting that was done when there was police protection between him and the hillbilly marauders.  Josh had on his big boy pants when he knew he was safe, but a couple of hours later as the rabble was swarming through the Capitol, Josh had morphed into a frightened jackalope bounding through the building in search of a hidey-hole big enough to conceal his quivering carcass.  Josh realized that if Bubba and Billy Joe Bob got ahold of him, they might not recognize him as being one of their own.

NBC commentators noted during the break that the committee's apt portrayal of Josh Hawley being less than courageous would probably get no political blowback from the Senate because the Democratic senators don't like him anyway, and neither do most of the Republicans.

And Josh, there are a lot of us voters back here in Missouri (remember Missouri, Josh?) who feel the same way about you.   You never fail to embarrass, but at least you're consistent!

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