Tuesday, February 8, 2022

Killing Police Officers Is Not Legitimate Political Discourse!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

In a bizarre attempt to rewrite history, the Republican National Committee last week passed, by a voice vote, a censure resolution of two Republican members of Congress:  Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming and Rep. Adam Kinzinger of Illinois.  The two had gotten on the wrong side of the GOP’s party bosses when they volunteered to serve on the House committee that is probing the events surrounding the attack on the US Capitol by Trump supporters on January 6, 2021.

But the fact that the RNC chose to eat two of their own members of Congress wasn’t the major headline to come out of that highly political and vindictive measure.  The big news was in the wording of the censure.  Included in the GOP vitriol was a statement that the two GOP members of Congress had participated “in a Democrat-led persecution of ordinary citizens engaged in legitimate political discourse.”

Many people, especially intelligent people who watched the treason and treahery unfold on television, found that nugget of revisionist history to be impossible to swallow.

Five police officers died as a result of what happened at the Capitol on that fateful day, events that the leaders of the Republican Party now want to recast as “discourse."   Assaulting and killing police officers is hardly something that one would do over tea.

Some members of the surging rabble were shouting about their desire to hang Mike Pence, and a gallows had been conveniently erected on the grounds of the Capitol.  Were those vocal threats of lethal mayhem the stuff of Republican legitimate political discourse?

And then there was the person - or persons - who took a dump on the floor of the Capitol and proceeded to spread their excrement along the floor and walls of that venerable and historic building.  That was discourse you could smell - and even slide in!

Stealing computers and personal items from the offices of members of Congress?  That, too, is one way of making a statement!  Discourse, damnit, discourse!

All of that wonderful, wonderful legitimate political discourse - and then a couple of maverick Republicans try to paint those brave patriots as being somehow un-American when all they were really doing was exercising their constitutional right to free speech through bear spray, flagpole javelins, piles of poop, graffiti, broken windows busted doors, and a hangman’s noose or two.  

Cheney and Kinsinger should be thankful that a censure was all they got!  God help them if the Republican Party had chosen instead to confront them with some good, old-fashioned, legitimate political discourse!

The current leadership of the Republican Party has no honor - and certainly no shame.  Their souls are as sullied,ravaged, and broken as our nation's Capitol was on January 6, 2021. Ronna, and Mitch, and Kev, you may not have the integrity to feel embarrassed for what the GOP has become under your watch, but rest assured that America is embarrassed for you!

Legitimate political discourse, indeed!

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