Sunday, December 8, 2019

Toilet Gate

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

This past Friday Donald Trump held a small business "round table" at the White House.  The event was set up as a forum to allow Trump to brag about his support of small business and his commitment to cutting red tape.  But before Trump's show got underway, he took a few minutes to address the press on some of his thoughts on the modern world.  (Many of the points that follow in the Trump diatribe he has addressed before, but on Friday he seemed to be consumed with the notion of bringing it all together.)

During his extended ramblings Trump discussed his theory that new plumbing fixtures designed to save water actually result in more water use, his belief that much of the country does not need to save water, and his opposition to the new style of light bulbs which he claims are more expensive than the old ones - and make him look orange.

(The new bulbs are actually less expensive because they last much longer than the old ones - and tanning beds and body make-up are both rumored to play a part in Trump's orange skin tone.)

Here was his oozing stream-of-consciousness as captured by The Raw Story:

"The light bulb - they got rid of the light bulb that people got used too.  The new bulb is many times more expensive and - I hate to say it - it doesn't make you look as good.  Of course, being a vain person, that's very important to me.  It's like - it gives you an orange look.  I don't want an orange look.  Has anyone noticed that?  So we'll have to change those bulbs in at least a couple rooms where I am in the White House . . . We  have a situation where we're looking very strongly at sinks and showers.  And other elements of bathrooms - where you turn the faucet on, in areas where there's tremendous amounts of of water, where the water rushes out to sea because you could never handle it - and you don't get any water.  You turn on the faucet and you don't get any water.  They take a shower and water comes dripping out, just dripping out, very quietly dripping out.  People are flushing toilets 10 times, 15 times, as opposed to once.  They end up using more water . . .  So EPA is still looking at that very strongly, at my suggestion.  You go into a new building, or a new house or a new home, and they have standards where you don't get water.  You can't wash your hands practically, so little water comes out of the faucet.  And the end result is you leave the faucet on and it takes you much longer to wash your hands . . . For the most part you have many states where they have so much water, it comes down - it's called rain.  They don't know what to do with it . . .A lot of things we do are based on common sense.  If I didn't get elected you wouldn't have a steel industry . . . We weren't going to have a steel industry.

If this is where our President's head is at, someone needs to flush - repeatedly, if necessary!

Twenty-Fifth Amendment now - before it is too late! 

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

Several years ago the television series "King of the Hill" featured an episode in which Hank Hill battled low pressure toilets; Season 4, Episode 4, Flush With Power. The flushing frustrations Trump describes are fairly well depicted by Hank Hill's toilet trauma.

Apparently foreign policy is now being dictated by FOX News while certain aspects of domestic policy are fashioned by cartoon characters.