Wednesday, December 18, 2019

Impeachment Day!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Today is the day that many of us have been patiently awaiting for a long damned time.  The House of Representatives will subject itself to six hours of debate and then this evening the full House will vote on two articles of impeachment against Donald John Trump.  The members of the House will decide whether they believe that Trump misused his power as President by trying to coerce the government of Ukraine into investigating one of his political rivals, a charge that Trump has already basically admitted, and whether he obstructed justice by withholding evidence and witnesses in the House's impeachment investigation - a matter of record.

The House is expected to vote almost entirely along party lines, a move that will result in approval of the two articles because the current House has a Democratic majority.  From there, the articles are expected to be sent to the Senate for a trial which Senate leaders have all but guaranteed will also be highly partisan - and the Senate has a Republican majority, at least for the time-being.  It would take a two-thirds vote in the Senate to remove Trump from office, something that will not happen unless the unexpected occurs and an incident of critical import hits the fan prior to that vote.   There is also some discussion that the House might wait to send the affirmed articles to the Senate until a point in the future when they might receive more serious consideration.

But for today at least there are likely to be two votes on impeachment sometime in the early evening.  Any congressman who fails to toe the line and spew the talking points of his or her respective party can expect to experience major difficulties at the polls next November.

Republicans who impeached Bill Clinton just over twenty years ago are warning that a vote to impeach Trump will result in all Democratic presidents for the foreseeable future being impeached, whether they are deserving of that dishonor or not.  Fundamentalist ministers are talking about war in the streets if their pussy-grabbing president is impeached, and fat old men on motorcycles are warning of some sort of Harley apocalypse in the event that Congress takes its Constitutional duty seriously and impeaches Trump.

That's today.

Yesterday the American people had their say.  In demonstrations across the nation, some of which were larger than the "crowd" at Trump's inauguration, people took to the streets chanting, singing, and waving signs calling on Congress to do its job and impeach Trump.  It was a festive exercise in the rights of assembly and free speech, one guaranteed to provoke the Wrath of Don.

But the old lion appears to be losing his teeth (something he tried to project onto Nancy Pelosi earlier this week), and his once mighty rage has dwindled to little more that a faint roar on the wind.

History is being made today, and we all need to be paying attention!

Resist, persist, and drive the bastards out in November!

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