Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Senator Harris Leaves the Race - and Slams Trump on the Way Out!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Democracy suffered a setback yesterday when California Senator Kamala Harris announced that she was ending her quest for the Democratic nomination for President.  Several candidates have withdrawn from the crowded field over the past few weeks, but Senator Harris was the first of the "leading" candidates to call it quits.  She lamented that her campaign had trouble garnering both contributions as well as support in the polls.

Some have noted that this graceful and early departure places Senator Harris in a good position for consideration as a vice-presidential candidate, and that by being a relatively young woman of color with formidable debating skills, she would add significant balance to a ticket headed by an old white man.

And indeed, with Kamala Harris's departure from the race, the chances that Democrats will ultimately drift to their safe space and nominate and old white guy seems to be suddenly enhanced.

Donald Trump, who never passes on an opportunity to criticize anyone - and particularly women - posted this boorish tweet yesterday while he was being ferried about London in a fleet of government-subsidized limousines:

"Too bad.  We'll miss you Kamala."

To which the whip-smart young senator shot back less than six minutes later:

"Don't worry, Mr. President.   I'll see you at your trial."

If the House of Representatives votes out any articles of impeachment on Donald Trump, a trial will be held in the Senate that could result in his removal from office.  Kamala Harris will be one of one hundred sitting jurors in that trial. Trump probably should not count on her voting to retain him in office.

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