Tuesday, August 21, 2018

The New Amsterdam

by Pa Rock
High Flyer

This blog posting is going out exceptionally late today because I have been in the air traveling between Kansas City and Portland, Oregon, and then battling traffic for the drive from Portland down to Oregon's capital, Salem.  Add to that the time I sent with my daughter and three Oregon grandchildren, and it has been a busy day indeed.

The three-and-a-half-hour flight was uneventful, but I did sit next to the nicest people, a young woman and her toddler daughter and a man who appeared to be the little girl's grandfather.  The child, who was young enough that she did not require a ticket, was a sweetie.  Her name was Elowyn - and she referred to herself as "Ello," much like a Brit answering the telephone.  (It's Irish.) This was Elowyn's sixth flight, and she was a perfect traveler!

The drive south to Salem was uneventful.  I pulled over in Wilsonville hoping to have a quick (and late) lunch at the Wendy's which I saw advertised along the Interstate.  I didn't find it - and had to settle for Sonic.   There I learned that Sonic is much pricier in Oregon than it is back home in the Ozarks.  A simple cheeseburger and a large drink totaled north of eight dollars.  On the plus side, it was a very good  cheeseburger, and there is no sales tax in Oregon.

Oregon is a very progressive state, and I suspect they make up for the loss of a sales tax through increased taxes on income and property - as God intended.

The grandkids are all fine.  Tomorrow they are coming over to my hotel for a swim in the pool, and we are going to Costco (next door to the hotel) where we will have lunch and shop for some school clothes.  Pa Rock brought prezzies and everyone seemed to enjoy what they got.

Back to the thread about Oregon being a very progressive state.   I pulled up next to a nice car that had a magnetic sign on the driver's door identifying the business as "Canna Medicine" and below that a motto about the company's friendly people and friendly service.   Later, at the hotel, I found a pamphlet in the rack of tourist materials entitled "Oregon Cannabis Guide and Map."  The color photo on the front showed an attractive young couple sitting on a park bench along the river facing the Portland skyline.  Their shopping bag was hung over the corner of the bench.  It was an upscale-looking bag emblazoned with a cannabis leaf and the words:  "The New Amsterrdam."

Can't make it to The Netherlands?  Not to worry, Portland is waiting for you!  All that the New Amsterdam needs are some colorful tulip beds and a store that sells wooden shoes.    Everything else is already being sold in a thriving market!  And if Salem makes you sick, well, Canna Medicine is just a phone call away - and they have at least one delivery vehicle.

Jeff Sessions would not feel at home in Oregon!

"For the times they are a-changin'!"

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