Monday, August 20, 2012

Mr. Yoder Shows His Junk on a Junket

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Rep. Kevin Yoder, R-KS, is on the fast track to becoming this generation's Wilbur Mills.   Both Mills and Yoder displayed an affinity for splashing around in the water, but Mills did it with a stripper in the Washington Tidal Pool, and Yoder did it naked in the Sea of Galilee.

Politico broke the story this weekend that several members of Congress (all young Republicans) along with a few relatives and an entourage of staff members, took a late night dip in the famous Sea of Galilee during a visit to Israel a year ago.  Yoder claimed to have had a glass of wine with dinner and used bad judgment when he stripped bare and jumped into the famous fresh water lake where Jesus used to perform his water-walking and fishing skills.

Some of the other members of Congress also admitted going for a swim in the Sea of Galilee after dinner because it had been a long day and they were hot.  All were very clear in their statements that they were not nude during the swim and that they swam nowhere near the 36-year-old Yoder - nor did they witness him splashing around in his birthday suit.

But somebody saw him because the FBI allegedly got wind of the partying pols and looked into the matter.  Eric Canton, the Majority Whip in the House was also on the trip, but not in the lake - although four of his top aids apparently were in the water.  The story goes that the next morning Cantor dressed the whole group down for their bawdy behavior in what is an important Christian historical site.

Another congressman mentioned in the story is Arizona's own Ben Quayle, son of Dan and Marilyn.  Ben is allegedly bright enough to spell potato, but just.   He admits to being on the tour, which was funded by a pro-Israel group to the tune of over $10,000 per attendee, but denies heavy drinking or even going in the water.  And he certainly wasn't naked!

Quayle has been gerrymandered into a district with another freshman congressman, David Schweikert, and he blames Schweikert (who was also on the junket) for alerting Politico to the story to begin with.  Quayle and Sweikert are in a horse race for the Republican congressional nod in a primary election to be held later this month.  

As an aside, Congressman Quayle used to be a regular contributor to an adult website called    He wrote under the pseudonym  Brock Landers.  When that fact surfaced during his first run for Congress in 2010, he initially denied it - just as he is denying the nocturnal swimming now - but later admitted to his penchant for lusty writing.

Unfortunately for Kansas, Congressman Show-Us-Your-Stuff Yoder is running unopposed in his re-election bid.  First rule of politics:  you have to have a horse in the race to win the horse race!!

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