Wednesday, September 4, 2024

Young Men at a Fruit Stand

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

I noticed a new "structure" in town early last week. It sits in the parking lot of a small manufacturing business on a fairly busy thoroughfare.  It's not a building or anything of permanence, but simply a sunshade of white plastic trimmed in blue and stretched between four lightweight poles, and it covers what looks to be about a five-foot by ten-foot space.  That description was obtained through a couple of drive-by observations because the enterprise itself is not something that would ever draw me in for a visit.

The structure, which looks like a roadside fruit stand, is actually a makeshift Trump campaign store - and instead of selling Ozark berries, peaches, and apples, or fireworks, or Granny's quilts, it is distributing (for a price, I suppose) Trump yard signs and other campaign paraphernalia. One interesting thing about the enterprise is that it seems to be staffed entirely by boisterous young white guys, a demographic that I keep hearing is one of the strongest elements of the Trump base.

The parking for the political venture appears to be adequate, but even so, the endeavor does not seem to be doing as much business as one would think it should in an area like this.   The guys manning the site are having fun whether they are making any sales, or converts, or not, and they seem to be more grounded in raucous noise than they are in political ideology. Driving by the site brings to mind one of those high school, car-washing affairs where the whole point of the project is to have a good time.

And they are having a good time - while ignoring the world around them.

Party on Wayne!

Party on Garth!

It will be a while before the bills start coming due.

And don't mind me - I'm just envious of your naïveté! 

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