Saturday, September 14, 2024

The Political Clout of Sarah Palin

by Pa Rock
Political Junkie

A meme has been flitting across social media for the past several days, in multiple forms, that provides insight into the presidential preferences of people who have already either served as President or Vice President of the United States, or who have been a major party candidate for one of those positions.  The results show one group of party elders in a strong position of unity - and the other in raging disarray!

Past (and present) Democratic Presidents are unanimous in their support of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.    Bill Clinton, Barack Obama, and Joe Biden are actively backing Kamala and Tim.  Jimmy Carter was not mentioned in the memes that I saw, but his grandson said that former President Carter told him that he is "hanging on to vote for Kamala."  Carter has been in hospice for nearly two years and will turn one hundred on October 1st.

All of the former unsuccessful Democratic candidates for President who are still living have also endorsed Kamala - including, Al Gore (a former Vice President), John Kerry, and Hillary Clinton.  Tim Kaine, Hillary's 2016 running mate, is also actively supporting the Harris-Walz ticket.  In fact, the only Democratic national candidate from whom I could not locate an endorsement was John Edwards who was Kerry's running mate in 2004.

The Democrats were impressive in their unanimity, particularly when compared to the Republicans.

Former President George W. Bush, the only other living former President besides Donald Trump who is a Republican, said that he has "retired" from presidential politics and would not be endorsing anyone.  Bush's Vice President, Dick Cheney, announced last week that he is supporting the Democratic ticket of Kamala Harris and Tim Walz.   Mitt Romney, the 2012 GOP standard bearer has said that he will not vote for Donald Trump, and at one point Romney indicated that he might write-in his wife, Ann, for President.  Romney's running mate in 2012, former House Speaker Paul Ryan, has also said that he will not vote for Trump and plans to write in some other Republican.  Trump's former Vice President, Mike Pence, has also declined to endorse Donald Trump for the presidency this time around.  Former Vice President Dan Quayle, a Republican, has made no endorsements, but Quayle was instrumental in convincing Mike Pence not to try and overturn the 2020 election results.

The only past member of a Republican national ticket, other than Trump himself, who openly says she will be voting for her party's nominee for president this November is the late John McCain's running mate from 2008, Sarah Palin!

But it would be a foolish to underestimate the political clout of Sarah Palin, because it is very likely that as Sarah votes, so too will Ted Nugent!

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