Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Arizona's Pretend Governor to Run for Senate

by Pa Rock
Former Arizonan

Kari Lake, a former local Fox News personality in the Phoenix area who has been pretending to be the governor of Arizona ever since she lost the election for that office to Democrat Katie Hobbs last November, now says that she is running for US Senator from Arizona to replace Krysten Sinema.  Pretend Governor Lake will be running in the senate race as a Republican.  Senator Sinema, who was elected to the post as a Democrat in 2018 has since left the Democratic Party and is now serving as an Independent.  There is no word yet from Senator Sinema as to whether she will seek reelection in 2024 or not, and, if she does, which party's banner, if any, she will run under.  Ruben Gallego, a current Democratic congressman from Arizona whose ex-wife is the  Democratic mayor Phoenix, is running for that same Senate seat as a Democrat.

Nothing is ever straight forward in Arizona.

Pretend Governor Lake, a reputed resident of Phoenix, has reportedly been a regular couch-surfer at the Mar-a-Lago motel complex in south Florida of late where she is most likely helping to massage the ego of GOP Pretend President Donald Trump.   Her attendance there is undoubtedly a comfort to overworked Trump staffers as they deal with things like Baby Hugo's constant tantrums and diaper rashes.

There is no word yet on whether candidate Lake will have to give up her "pretend governor" status in the event that she is elected to the senate, or, if she loses the senate bid, as is likely, whether she can serve simultaneously as a pretend governor and a pretend senator.  Perhaps the next pretend administration of a pretend President Trump can appoint some more pretend justices to the US Supreme Court to clarify that issue.

Governing is hard, Kari, and it is especially difficult when you are living in a state of delusion!

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