Sunday, July 24, 2022

Nick Macy at Forty-Nine

by Pa Rock
Proud Papa

My oldest, Nicholas Karl Macy, just completed his forty-ninth trip around the sun and sets off on orbit number fifty today!  

Nick was born in 1973 on the Japanese island of Okinawa, and his first view of America was when the plane we were on landed at the airport in Honolulu two months later.  He was the first grandchild on both sides of his family, and he proved to be quite a hit with all of his aunts, uncles, and grandparents when we finally arrived back in Missouri.  His little sister, Molly, was born in 1976, and in 1979 their little brother, Tim, came on the scene to round out the family.

Nick has gradually evolved into the family outdoorsman.  He enjoys hunting and fishing, and he is at home in the woods where he is a careful guest of nature and very observant.  Nick is constantly coming across things in the wild that capture his interest.  He is a curious person.  Nick also enjoys television shows and documentaries that focus on unusual occurrences and unsolved mysteries.  If it is a show about space aliens, Big Foot, or Chupacabras he has probably seen it and has a spirited opinion on the truth of the matter.

Nick's greatest strength is his kindness.  He takes friendships very seriously, and when he has friends who are in need, he acts.    He delivers, chauffeurs, assists, consoles, and supports anyone who is in need of a helping hand.  The people in Nick's life know that he is someone on whom they can depend.

Lots of us are lucky to have Nick in our lives.

Happy birthday, Son!

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