Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Taxpayers Fund Trump's Resort Racket - Bigly!

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump would have the world believe that he is making a grand personal sacrifice by donating his time to running the country when he would be so much better off - financially - running his big business empire.  He makes a paltry $400,000 a year at his government job which he magnanimously donates right back to various government programs.

Trump's charity knows no bounds.  He is such a saint!

Except, of course, for the fact that he is a greedy grifter who is making a literal fortune renting his luxury properties - bedbugs and all - to the United States government to support his nearly endless vacations at his own resort properties.

An article in the Trump's least favorite newspaper, The Washington Post, on February 7th of this year reported that as of that date he had spent 342 days vacationing at his resort properties - or roughly one third of his presidency up to that point.  And when the President of the United States goes somewhere overnight to play golf, he travels with an entourage - a big entourage.  During Trump's travels he requires an extensive protection detail of Secret Service agents - as well as any other government employees he finds necessary to pursue the fiction that he is also working hard while on the road playing golf.

And, big surprise, many of the "necessary" camp followers stay at the same Trump resorts as their King, and they appear to be paying top rates!

That same Washington Post article on February 7th revealed that the Secret Service often pays a rate of $650 per room per night at Trump's Mar-a-Lago property - a rate that is even higher than what other agencies of the federal government pay for their rooms at the same resort.  (At other times the Secret Service gets "discount" rooms for just $396.15.  Lucky dogs!)  But, it could be worse - and is:  When Trump visits his golf resort at Bedminster, New Jersey, in the summer, his resort rents a 3-bedroom cottage to the Secret Service at a modest $17,000 per month.

(The Post article did not stipulate whether that $650 per night included a complimentary breakfast - or hookers.)

Eric Trump. Trump's nitwit son, tried to explain that the Secret Service basically stays free at Trump resorts, paying only a nominal fee for housekeeping services - because everyone knows how highly the Trump family values their domestic workers.  Eric also told Yahoo Finance  that when his father houses his entourage on his properties, he is legally required to charge something - though Eric could not identify what law established that requirement.

Now, in this heated political season and after the Washington Post stirred up this issue, Congress, which is supposed to control the government purse strings, is suddenly interested in finding out just how much money the Trump family is making off of the government.

The Secret Service is required to make two reports to Congress a year on what it spends to protect the President - but since 2016 it has filed only two of the required six reports.  The Secret Service told Congress that key personnel had left and no one had taken on the responsibility of making the reports.  Now the House Oversight Committee is officially requesting that the Treasury Department, which oversees the Secret Service, cough up the figures on how much cash it takes to support Trump golf outings.  Treasury Secretary Mnuchin has yet to comply.

(The Government Accounting Office - GAO - issued a report early in the Trump presidency which said that four early golf outings to Mar-a-Lago had cost the government $3.4 million each.  Or, in other words, one outing to Mar-a-Lago costs taxpayers more than eight times Trump's salary for one year.  Sweet!)

And then Trump has the golf balls to suggest that the next G-7 conference, the one scheduled to be hosted by the United States, be held at his Doral National Resort in Florida -  a resort that is reportedly having trouble making a profit.

The Trump family is on the grift - bigly - and the United States of America is the targeted sucker!

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