Thursday, February 27, 2020

Missouri Voters' Poll

by Pa Rock

This morning former US Senator Claire McCaskill, now a national hack operative for CBS News, tweeted around the results of a Missouri poll of voters regarding their Democratic presidential preferences.  The poll was conducted by television station KMOV, a CBS affiliate in the St. Louis area.  It purports to be a "Missouri" poll, but one must suspect that the local station did not drift too far out of its market area to collect the opinions of Missourians.

With that proviso in mind, the following results probably reflect the views of people who live and work in St. Louis and St. Louis County more accurately than it does the remainder of the state.  The St. Louis wing of the state party would seem to prefer the following:

Biden (22.4%),  Bloomberg (17.4%),  Buttigieg (11.2%),  Sanders (11%),  Warren (10.2%),   Klobuchar (8.8%),  and  Undecided (17.3%).

Having lived in this state almost my entire life, I would suggest that the area in the center of the state around Columbia and Jefferson City will check in a bit more left of Biden on the presidential primary day (March 10th), and Kansas City may also.  I would predict that Sanders and Warren both do better in those areas than what the aforementioned "Missouri" poll might lead one to believe.  Sanders will also do well in the rural areas of the state - to include Springfield - where he will benefit from Republicans crossing over to support him in the hope that a Bernie nomination will eventually help Trump and other Missouri Republican candidates who are running down-ballot.

I also suspect that after Warren seriously (if not mortally) wounded Bloomberg in the Nevada debate, Buttigieg will fare better in Missouri's urban areas than the limited poll of KMOV would indicate.

This Missourian wasn't polled by KMOV, but for the record I am planning on voting for Elizabeth Warren on March 10th.

St. Louis has its preferences - and I have mine!

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