Wednesday, February 7, 2018

Generalissimo Trump Demands a Parade

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump apparently witnessed a military parade last summer while visiting France during its Bastille Day (July 14th) celebration, and now he is pining for a military parade of his own.  Well, he actually seems to be demanding it.   As Congress struggles almost daily to find clever ways to fund the government and the military, Trump is focused on another of his harebrained schemes to waste the public's money.  He wants to show his glory and might to the world with a Great Wall to keep Mexicans out, and now he needs a parade to showcase his personal military muscle.  And while the military has yet to admit that it is engaged in this presidential whimsy, several news agencies are reporting that plans for a military parade in Washington, DC, are quickly taking shape within the bowels of the Pentagon.

The Soviets used to showcase their military might with an immense parade through Red Square every May 1st, with the country's leaders watching proudly from their seating atop Lenin's Tomb.   The Soviet parade featured its military marching in formation along with tanks, trucks and trailers hauling huge missiles, and any other military hardware and notions that they wanted the world to see.  It was an exercise in pride, but more importantly it was a reminder to the West that the Soviet Union was a powerful adversary.  The May Day parade was unbridled propaganda designed to show the rest of the world just how powerful the government was.

Donald Trump wants some of that action.  A parade might enhance the nation's military image, but it would also make Trump, the constant narcissist, look more powerful.  And those missiles on flatbed trailers would just wreak of phallic superiority!

Rumors are that Trump's parade will be in Washington, DC, along Pennsylvania Avenue.  But the last time Trump had a big event on Pennsylvania Avenue - his inaugural parade - it was sparsely attended.  In order to avoid a repeat of that embarrassment perhaps he could ask Pooty about using Red Square.  The Russian leader, a man whom Trump openly admires and seeks to emulate, could even order-up massive fawning crowds to stoke Trump's ego to a point to where it could stop up the holes in the ozone.

Maybe Trump could even have one truck and trailer to haul around his big-boy nuclear button!

And what about a snazzy uniform, something with plenty of ribbons and medals to showcase his position as commander-in-chief?   Kim Jong Un has a uniform, so why can't Donald?

Oh the glories of Trump!

(Is it any wonder that millions of American go to sleep hungry each night, or that so many can't get access to basic health care - when the government is completely sucked into meeting the emotional needs of a petulant man-child?)


Xobekim said...

If he gets his parade money from his wall will have to be diverted to repair the torn up streets to from and along the parade route. the same goes for highways & bridges. The damages will be so severe, and the repair so complete that the eastern seaboard cities may compete to host the event. Those tanks tend to tear things up. So subtract the $22 million cost of the parade and the $6 billion to repair the damage and his wall becomes less likely. In fact let's just take all of the wall infrastructure money and spend it on American bridges. Then we can have a parade of receipts march across the Rose Garden for him.

Don said...

I am so damn sick of Trump. He continues to suck up all available political oxygen. Day after day, all we hear about is whatever cockamamie scheme our dear leader has manufactured in order to boost his unbelievably frail ego at the expense of everyone and everything else.

Even his wife seems to despise him.