Saturday, September 9, 2017

One, Two, and the Pig Flew

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

It's a particularly satisfying feeling when a belching bag of excrement gets his comeuppance while the whole world is watching.

Last week radio blowhard Rush Limbaugh told his listening audience that Hurricane Irma was "a hoax" designed to whip up a "panic" and exaggerate the dangers of "so-called" climate change.  According to Rush, the idea that a massive hurricane was going to devastate Florida was nothing more than just another liberal fake news story.

Today, of course, Irma is ravaging almost the entire state of Florida, and the injuries, deaths, and property damage are expected to be astronomical.

But what about Palm Beach, Florida, resident Rush Limbaugh?   His ditto-heads do not need to worry because Rush jumped in his Lear Jet and got the hell out of harm's way before that big bad gale of liberal fake news showed up to try and blow his house down.

Hopefully he had time to pack - or to at least save his stash of OxyContin.

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