Wednesday, August 19, 2009

On what planet do you spend most of your time?

by Pa Rock
Political Observer

Congressman Barney Frank of Masssachusetts shut down one of Lyndon LaRouche's pawns at a town hall in Dartmouth, MA, last night - and he did it in classic Barney Frank style. When an angry young woman started waving a picture of the President of the United States made up to look like Hitler and shouting comparisons of health care proposals to the policies of Nazi Germany, Frank responded with, "On what planet did you spend most of your time?" He then went on to say that trying to reason with her would be like "arguing with a dining room table."

Good job, Congressman! How ironic that the first American politician with the cajones to stand up to this rabble would be a gay man! Thank you for continuing to support America's powerless against the corporate hogs!

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