Monday, October 14, 2024

It's Time to Save Democracy

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump is in a steep and rapid mental decline, and anyone who fails to see that is either not paying attention or has so much riding on the election that they feel they nave no choice but to deny reality and cheer on their impaired candidate.

When Trump gives his long-winded speeches he spends his time at the microphone either wallowing in obsessions or wandering off on tangents.  Immigration is a primary obsession with Trump.  It riles his base and gets them stomping and clapping while giving Trump a chance to exercise his race-baiting skills.  This week he even veered into the dark and deeply disturbing topic of eugenics as he claimed that immigrants are genetically predisposed to commit violent crimes.  He said that many murderers had immigrated to the United States, and then went on to say "I believe this, it's in their genes.  And we've got a lot of bad genes in our country right now."   As he talked about the impact of race on society, the elderly politician seemed to be channeling Nazi talking points from the 1930's.

Other recent Trump obsessions that have literally no relevance to his or anyone else's ability to run the country (and are generally lies) include Kamala Harris's work history (Did she or did she not work at a McDonalds while she was putting herself through college?), Kamala's "low" IQ and general mental ability, election fraud, the crowd size at his rallies, bitcoin, tariffs, the coming Great War and/or Depression, government hurricane relief efforts, and electric vehicles.

Trump gets distracted by his obsessions when he is giving a speech and may switch topics almost at mid-sentence.  But he also tends to mentally wander down smaller paths and rabbit holes and begin talking on things that just happen to cross his mind.  A few times during the last several weeks mentions of the fictional cannibal, Hannibal Lecter, popped up in Trump's speeches - something about Hannibal having a friend over for dinner - a joke, one supposes, though not necessarily appropriate or funny enough to be included in a speech by a serious presidential candidate, and each time Trump told it, he seemed to be suffering under the delusion that it was fresh material.

Donald Trump has also gone off on recent tangents about sharks, batteries, the word "grocery," paper clips, "dumb women," and artificial intelligence - to name but just a few.

In addition to Donald Trump getting mentally lost in his obsessions and tangents, he also has a very bad habit of saying things that aren't right, occasionally through not knowing and just letting words fall out of his mouth, but often times through intentional lying.  He tends to get confused such as when he mixed up "mental asylums" with "asylum seekers," or when he switched Nikki Haley with Nancy Pelosi,  or when he said that he had almost been killed in a helicopter crash with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown - who claims to have never been in a helicopter with Trump.

Those are all misstatements of one degree or another, but Donald Trump also lies with a complete disregard for both the truth as well as public safety.    His continued lies about immigrants from Haiti in Ohio eating cats and dogs have stirred hate, placed people in danger, and interfered with the functioning of schools and local government.  He has also said that schools are sending children for gender-affirming surgeries without their parents' knowledge, a complete and total lie designed to destabilize public education in America.  Trump has even said on multiple occasions that doctors are committing abortions at nine months of pregnancy - at the time of birth - or, more plainly, killing living, breathing babies - another complete lie and one designed to increase the level of danger that doctors and their patients already face.

It is mean, it is disgusting, and it is done with an abundance of malice aforethought. 

But all of that is just preamble to the Trump we are faced with today, at this very moment.

Trump has said that he is going to "fix" our country's military by establishing a commission to identify and remove "woke" military leaders (those who have dared to express progressive views on anything), and replace them with uniformed human automatons who will do his bidding - and now he is saying that he will use the National Guard and the military to quell the "enemy within."  Trump says:

"We have some very bad people.  We have some sick people, radical left lunatics.  And I think it should be very easily handled by, if necessary, by National Guard, or, if really necessary, by the military because we can't let that happen."

And there we have Donald Trump's framework for a peaceful America:  cleanse the military and create an officer corps in his own fascist image - and then turn it loose on the people who show their disloyalty to America by daring to disparage Donald Trump.

That's his plan, and I believe him.   Dementia will not be a hinderance.

There is a true "enemy within," and he can only be stopped at the ballot box in November.   It's time to purge our political system of Donald John Trump and save democracy!


Anonymous said...

This exceptional article should be on the front page of every newspaper in the country

Pa Rock said...

Dear Anonymous,
Your comment was a burst of sunshine on an otherwise dreary day. Thanks for making me smile!
Pa Rock