Monday, September 23, 2024

Tim Macy has a Birthday!

by Pa Rock
Proud Papa

Autumn officially arrived yesterday, September 22nd, a fact that I noted in this blog, but forty-five years ago the season of falling leaves began a day later, on September 23rd.  It was a Sunday.  I remember that day well because it ushered in the birth of my youngest child, Tim, who was born at St. Francis Hospital in Mountain View, Missouri, sometime around ten in the morning.

Tim was a big boy, a few ounces north of ten pounds.  If he had been a girl his name would have been Autumn Rose

Tim had an older brother, Nick, who was six, and a sister, Molly, who was two and would be three just as that fall season was ending.  He came home from the hospital to a very active household where he proved to be an extremely quick learner as he chased around after his two older siblings.  

The youngest of the Macy brood was, in many ways like his own children would later prove to be - inquisitive, outspoken, very funny, and basically fearless.  When he was a toddler he would run and jump into the kiddie pool at the outdoor community center and send the other toddlers crying and running for their mothers.   We had a large, smooth valley (okay, it was a sinkhole) behind our house in Mountain View, and Tim was still a toddler when I happened to look out the window toward where he was playing with Nick and Molly, and I watched in shock as he got on a very small roller board with a steering handle and rode laughing, at a rapid clip, down into the giant depression in the backyard!  When Tim was still less than three his siblings rushed into our big house at Noel and reported that their daredevil little brother had just jumped from the sitting wall of the front porch to the ground, a drop of about eight feet!

As I have written about many times, Tim wound up with a good portion of the creative genes in the family and has produced an archive of written material that will be read, performed, and discussed for years to come.   Tim  and his wonderful wife, Erin, have also produced two delightful children, Olive and Sully, who will carry their family legacy well into the future.

I am very proud of all of my children and their children and wish them lives steeped in sunshine and happiness!

Have a wonderful day with your family, Tim - and a great birthday!

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