Friday, July 19, 2024

Lou Dobbs Signs Off

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Television personality and vocal Trump supporter Lou Dobbs died yesterday.  Dobbs, a business reporter who was part of the original CNN team when the network formed in 1980, was forced out of his position there in 2009 when he began using his on-air time to spout "birther" nonsense and pushing claims that Barack Obama had actually been born in Kenya, views also espoused by Trump.   

Lou Dobbs joined Fox in 2010 as an on-air personality, but he was fired from that perch in 2021 when he was named in a 2.7 billion dollar lawsuit which claimed that he and other Fox News hosts had defamed a voting machine company while perpetuating Donald Trump's election lies.  He had recently been broadcasting his  show "Lou Dobbs Tonight" over an internet streaming service owned by My Pillow's Mike Lindell, another leading Trump supporter.

Dobbs was a chronic complainer about immigration across the southern US border, the central issue of the Trump's political career.

Lou Dobbs was seventy-eight at the time of his demise, the same age as his political hero, Donald Trump.  There was no cause of death given, but he had missed work for the past week.

Today the world is just a little less angry, and Donald Trump is down one more vote.

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