Thursday, October 27, 2022

Herschel Walker, a GOP Model Parent

by Pa Rock 
Citizen Journalist

Herschel Walker, a former football player who is now the GOP nominee for US Senator from Georgia, has been trying to swat away an allegation by a former girlfriend that he forced her to have an abortion in 2009 and even paid for the procedure.  Now a second woman has come forward also alleging that Walker pressured her into having an abortion in 1993.

Walker, the football player turned politician, had initially shared with the press that he had one child, 23-year-old Christian  whom Walker fathered with his first wife, but the Senate candidate has now acknowledged that he is the parent of three others, sons ages ten and thirteen, and an adult daughter.  Christian, a conservative social media contributor and former cheerleading champion, was initially supportive of his father's political efforts, but has become increasingly critical of his famous parent now that more details of his of the candidate's personal life are becoming known.  Here is one sample of Christian cutting loose on his Dad:

“You’re not a ‘family man’ when you left us to bang a bunch of women, threatened to kill us, and had us move over 6 times in 6 months running from your violence.”

Herschel Walker brought this unwelcome attention on himself in large part due to he very vocal opposition to abortion.  He also claims to be the product of a home with an absent father, and Walker has spoken out against absent fathers - but the mother of Walker's ten-year-old son had to go through a lengthy court process to get a declaration of paternity and financial support for their son.  So Herschel Walker's hypocrisy runs deep.

And that hypocrisy also runs deep with elected officials in the Republican Party who, while clutching their pearls and thumping their Bibles, have been rushing to Georgia to campaign for "pro-life" candidate Herschel Walker as he tries to take a senate seat from a popular and well respected Baptist minister.  

Herschel Walker, absent father and alleged multiple abortion funder, appears to be a GOP model parent for the ages!

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