Monday, August 29, 2022

West Plains on the Grow!

by Pa Rock
Country Gentleman

I am not a "townie," opting instead to live about a half of a mile outside of the city limits of West Plains, Missouri - the hometown of Porter Wagoner, Preacher Roe, and Bill Virdon, and the birthplace of Dick Van Dyke.   But I am proud of my community and am quick to tell people that I live in West Plains because in most respects I do.   

West Plains had a population of 11,986 during the 2010 census count, but then it experienced a decade in which a couple of the bigger industries closed.  However, even with those factories shutting down, the population managed to actually increase by 304 over the period between 2010 and 2020.

Education and health care are the main employers in the area and the fields which bring in the highest numbers of college graduates.   West Plains is home to a four-year branch of Missouri State University which has seen a significant expansion over the past few years.  It is now possible for a student to get a four-year degree in some majors without ever having to attend classes on the main campus in Springfield.  The local public schools perform well academically and in extra-curricular activities, and they seem to be relatively conflict-free compared to schools in other areas.

Our hospital system, which was already large by local standards, has just completed a major expansion so extensive that it brought about the installation of a new stoplight on the highway bypass - as well as the city's second traffic circle!  I experienced both for the first time earlier this morning.    As I was walking across the newly expanded parking lot to get to the newest building, I was approached by a shuttle driver in an enhanced golf cart who tried to give me a ride to the front door - and as I left another shuttle driver rushed up and offered me a ride to my car.  (I declined both rides, opting instead to get in some of my 10,000 daily steps.)

Most of the other jobs are minimum wage and of the fast food and personal service varieties.  Walmart has sucked the life out of the retail market - the city lost its J.C. Penney and Sears outlets during the past year - but it gained an Arby's just a few years ago, and this year West Plains added a Steak 'n Shake and a second Taco Bell.  The little city also has four - count em, FOUR! - Casey's convenience stores as well as several independent quick stops.  There are a few nicer eateries both in town and close by, a "daily" newspaper that publishes five days a week, and a couple of radio stations, and several motels owned and operated by national chains.

The city has a nice park system, an active senior center, and an exceptional civic center that houses the city's biggest auditorium as well as an olympic swimming pool.

This past spring the small but progressive city of West Plains began the operation of its own solar farm - 40 acres and 26,316 solar panels - the largest municipally owned solar farm in Missouri.

All of that - and West Plains has quick access to several rivers and creeks, Lake Norfolk, and the Mark Twain National Forest.

I may just stay!

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