Monday, May 9, 2022

Mickey Gilley Has Left the Stage

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Country singer Mickey Gilley, who at one time owned a bar in Texas called "Gilley's," which was also dubbed the world largest honkey tonk - and the place where John Travolta rode the mechanical bull in "Urban Cowboy" - has died.   The entertainer passed away in Branson, Missouri, on Saturday.  Gilley owned a large theatre in Branson, and he had been performing there until a few days before his death.

My younger two children and I saw Gilley in Branson back around 1990 when he was doing a guest appearance at the Roy Clark Theatre.  Tim, who was about eleven, was an autograph collector, so after the show we stood in line for an hour or so to take our turn at meeting the singer.  While we were in line I talked to the kids about a bunch of things, and while I was rattling on I happened to mention that Gilley was a cousin to former rock and roll star Jerry Lee Lewis as well as to a nationally known televangelist by the name of Jimmy Swaggart - and then I talked about a lot of other stuff.

After Mickey Gilley had smoozed, hugged, and posed for a photo with every old lady in southwest Missouri, it was finally our turn.  We all shook hands and then Tim handed him a program or something else to sign.  As the singer was signing his name, Tim suddenly asked him how his cousins, Jerry Lee and Jimmy were doing.  The surprised celebrity stopped in mid-stroke, looked at the little boy, and said, "Why, just fine.  Thank you."

Jerry Lee Lewis, Jimmy Lee Swaggart, and Mickey Leroy Glley were all born within a year of each other in the mid-1930's and grew up playing together in the little town of Ferriday, Louisiana.  Jerry Lee learned how to play the piano first and taught the other two - and all three turned into gifted musicians.  All three went on to become entertainers (of sorts) and led colorful lives.  

Jerry Lee and Jimmy Lee were actually double first cousins, which means they were the children produced by two couples when one pair of siblings married another pair of siblings.  Mickey Gilley was a first cousin to Jerry Lee Lewis, and Gilley was a first cousin, once removed to Jimmy Swaggart.  And while that Gordian knot of relationships sounds about as twisted as a plate of vomited spaghetti, it is all legal and above-board, particularly in places like rural Louisiana.

Today Jerry Lee and Jimmy Lee live on, but Mickey Leroy has left for that big honkey tonk in the sky, a joint where the bull might throw you, but at least you will land on a cloud!

My he be welcomed there with a room full of roses!

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