Wednesday, November 3, 2021

Q Does Dallas

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

According to the Dallas Morning News, representatives of the QAnon conspiracy group began gathering at Dealy Plaza in downtown Dallas Monday night, and by yesterday afternoon there were several hundred of the group's members assembled near the spot when President Kennedy was gunned down nearly sixty years ago.  The group stood outside in a heavy rain.

The purpose of the outdoor assemblage was to welcome John F. Kennedy, Jr, the dead President's dead son, back to the land of the living.  It seems there's a portion of the Q'ers who believe that Kennedy Junior didn't die in a plane crash in 1999, but just used that story as a cover so that he could go into hiding for over twenty years and then make a grand appearance to  help in straightening out American politics.


The Q'ers somehow decided that Kennedy Junior would come back yesterday - to Dallas where his father died - and that his appearance would herald Trump's return to the presidency - and that Trump would then name JFK Junior as his Vice President - and that Trump would then resign, making JFK Junior President - and Junior would name tarnished general, Mike Flynn, as his Vice-President - and Trump would become the King of Kings.   And beyond that it just gets weird.

Pay attention, America.   These crackpots aren't just standing out in the rain in Dallas.  They are in towns and cities across the country pushing their way into school board meetings where they try to place limits on what your kids can study, or they are causing scenes on airplanes that interfere with everyone's air travel and safety, or they are insisting on having their "freedom" to not wear masks or get vaccinated in order to interfere with your freedom to stay safe from the pandemic. 

In their spare time the Q'ers will entertain us all with fantasies about Elvis, or Princess Diana, or JFK Junior, or whomever - but at some point the fun stops and they get down to their primary message - that Donald Trump was cheated out of his god-given presidency and he is destined to rise again.  And at that point QAnon is no longer funny - it is a group of sad and demented people living in the dregs of a fantasy.  Taken collectively they can have an adverse effect on things like school policies and local ordinances, and as individuals acting alone, their actions are limited only by their individual imaginations - and they could definitely be dangerous!

One of the forces driving politics in America today appears to be communal insanity, and for that Donald Trump deserves most of the credit.

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