Friday, November 26, 2021

Happy Clicking Holidays!

by Pa Rock

It's "Black Friday," a day when Americans are allegedly trolling big box stores and maybe even a few local businesses searching for unique gifts for Christmas at bargain prices.   Supposedly this year there will not be as much pushing and shoving as in years past.  I guess we have COVID to thank for that.

I never did go in for the Black Friday nonsense, and I am really not much of a curious shopper.  When I go into a store to buy something, I generally find what I am after within the first few minutes, put it in the cart, and check out.  In fact, I believe that most people know what they are going to buy very quickly, but some like to look at everything else anyway.  They see shopping as a sort of educational experience, or even a social act.  For me it is more of a grab-and-go.

I guess that is why shopping on-line appeals to me.  I have a few sites where I can manage to find most of my gift needs.  A few clicks secures the merchandise and sends it on its way.

No, it's not as colorful or romantic as the Christmas shopping in days of old, but neither is the Black Friday pig push.  Norman Rockwell is dead and the world has changed.  I accept that and I can roll with it.

I finished my shopping this morning - click, click, click - and if my loved ones who receive this gifts don't like them, they are easily returned and replaced without standing in long lines - click, click, click.

It's the way of the world.

Happy clicking holidays!

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