Thursday, August 5, 2021

Critical Race Theory: Just Another GOP Boogeyman

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

My congressman, a Republican from southeast Missouri by the name of Jason Smith, tossed a piece of red meat to his supporters this week that went after one of the GOP's more popular boogeymen:  critical race theory.  Smith, who couldn't define critical race theory if his free lunch depended on it, much less put forth a coherent argument against it, doesn't like it, anyway!

In a tweet on July 31st Congressman Smith snarled:

"Critical race theory has no place in the classroom.  Period,  #StopCRT"

Republicans are trying to put forth the idea that CRT (whatever that is) teaches that America is a racist country and demeans us as a nation.  It is therefore un-American and must never be taught to susceptible children.  Republican legislatures have rushed to grab some headlines and political headwinds by making the teaching of CRT (again, whatever that is) illegal in their states, and threatening school districts that allow it to be taught with fines or reductions in funding.  

(Many of the same GOP legislatures are also hard at work writing and passing legislation designed to keep racial minorities from voting.)

The predictable result of the anti-CRT movement, since the topic and the "crime" are so ill-defined, is that schools are unlikely to allow any instruction related to race that might upset parents or local politicians, some of whom actually are racists.  Not only will teachers not be allowed to even suggest links between things like eduction, housing, and the economy with race, they may also be hesitant to lecture on things like the March on Washington, Freedom Riders, and the lives of people like Rosa Parks and Martin Luther King, Jr.

Suddenly topics that were once acceptable and standard areas of study get smeared with a "CRT" label and fall before the classroom censors.

"Critical race theory" is this election cycle's version of "Sharia Law," something the GOP used to scare its base a few years ago.  It's a distraction from jobs, the economy, health care, our crumbing infrastructure, and so many other things that politicians like Jason Smith don't want us to notice. 

Race is an American hot button, one that too many politicians are eager to push and exploit for their own benefit.   Bellowing to the heavens against something as ethereal as "critical race theory" has, in all of its piousness, a strong whiff of racism.

In fact, it stinks.

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