Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Karen Bares her Teeth - and Walmart Capitulates

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

American troglodytes won a major victory last week when Walmart made a decision not to have its store employees enforce the mandatory face mask policy for customers that it had just enacted.  The store's corporate management decided, wisely, I suspect, that trying to enforce the mask policy would place store employees in harm's way.  Now the policy remains in effect, but angry Jesus-loving, tobacco-spitting patriots can exercise their God-given right to ignore it.

There are many ignorant, self-righteous, pissed-off people in America, and Walmart came to the realization that most of them shop in its stores.

But even though Walmart did roll over for its classless customers, the store still enforces a few rough standards.  For instance, it has banned the couple in Minnesota who wore the swastika face masks into one of its stores.  That was a bridge too far even for Walmart.

(Where do you shop when you are banned from Walmart?)

I learned about the Walmart capitulation on face masks this past Sunday when I stopped at my local convenience store to buy my weekly lottery tickets.  I was wearing my mask, and opened the door to the convenience store with a sanitary wipe, and then got in line six feet behind a rabid Karen.  This wasn't the large, over-stuffed Karen that is so prevalent on social media, this was her skinny, meth-addled cousin who is also named Karen.

Karen, of course, was not wearing a mask, and neither was the convenience store clerk, but he was standing behind a plexiglass shield.  Karen was ranting about Walmart's mask policy and bragging that she would not wear a mask and they could not keep her out.  The clerk replied that they were no longer enforcing the policy - but that he had no problem slipping on a mask for a few minutes to run into the store.

The clerk's easy submission to the Deep State really got Karen cranked up, and she told him that she had been reading about it on Facebook, and that it was "all crap anyway."  Then she turned and glared at. me and marched out.  I smiled behind my mask and thought about how much more presentable Karen would have been if her meth-mouth had been covered with a mask!

Walmart took a bold stand by trying to enact a face mask requirement to begin with, but given the prevalence of knuckle-dragging Trump supporters who roam the Walmart aisles, it was an effort that was doomed from the get-go.   Now not only has the policy gone down in flames, but the legions of Trump-supporting shoppers now feel empowered to make noise and bring down any future store policies that go against their way of thinking.

The shoppers have taken control of their own stores and will do whatever they deem necessary to protect themselves from the Deep State, phony pandemics, corporate tyrants, and godless socialists.

Especially the socialists.

1 comment:

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