Sunday, March 1, 2020

Four Old White Men, See How They Run

by Pa Rock
Senior Citizen Journalist

Donald Trump is seventy-three-years-old and obviously struggles to make it to work each day and focus on the extremely important issues associated with running a major industrialized country.   When he speaks in public his thoughts often drift into little more than a stream-of-consciousness rambling, and he studiously avoids big words and complex concepts.  Some of Trump's aids are reporting that his briefings have begun to rely more on pictures and diagrams than on material that requires reading.  What Trump does not "dumb down" himself, has to be "dumbed-down" for him.

Right now the United States of America - and indeed the entire world - is standing at the brink of a major health event that could result in the deaths of millions of human beings, a crisis unlike anything the world has witnessed in more than a century.   It is a time that demands informed, intelligent, dynamic leadership - but the United States is stuck with Donald Trump.   As the rest of the world struggles to prepare for the on-rushing catastrophe, Donald Trump flails around trying to blame the situation on his political opponents, and not doing anything substantive to get the nation prepared to meet the impending public health emergency.

This is 2020, a presidential election year in the United States, a time that literally begs for a change in our country's leadership.  Each of the Democratic candidates for President is obviously more coherent and smarter than Donald Trump, but, unfortunately, some of the Democratic leaders are not that different to Donald Trump when it comes to other measures.

Joe Biden had a very good day in South Carolina yesterday as he managed to win that state's Democratic Primary with just under fifty-percent of the vote, but he still trails Bernie Sanders in the all important delegate totals.  As of this morning, March 1st, the delegate count is:

Sanders:  56
Biden:  48
Buttigieg:  26
Warren:  8
Klobuchar:  7

Tuesday, March 3, will see Democratic primary contests in fourteen more states, American Samoa, and among Democrats Abroad  - and the picture may be clearer by then.  Tuesday will also witness the emergence of another major player in the Democratic race with former New York City Mayor Mike Bloomberg making his first appearance on the ballots.  Bloomberg, a real billionaire (unlike Trump), is literally spending millions of dollars of his own money in order to promote his candidacy, and he could conceivably become one of the major players after the votes are counted on Tuesday.

If Mike Bloomberg is able to buy his way into the top tier of the Democratic candidates, his presence will likely eclipse those of Buttigieg, Warren, and Klobuchar and leave the Democrats with having to choose between a trio of vain geriatrics - and pick one to run against the GOP's favored vain geriatric.

I will be seventy-two this month, and I know, I KNOW, that despite being in relatively good health, I am too damned old to muster enough energy and concentration to run any large business, much less a major nation.   Jimmy Carter recently noted from his own experiences both in being President as well as with aging that when he was a mere lad of eighty he would have been too old to be president.

Bernie, Bloomberg, and Biden will each turn eighty within the next four years.

Donald Trump didn't have the intellectual chops to be President of the United States, but he also lacked the energy and focus to do the job - and quickly fell into a routine of making campaign noises and playing golf.

If the Democrats are serious about defeating Donald Trump in 2020 - as well as preserving democracy and saving the world from the ravages of a deadly pandemic - they need to set aside this fascination with senior citizens and focus on finding a nominee with the intellect and vigor to get those jobs done.

Experience can be very beneficial, but at a certain point experience begins to calcify and drool.   If the Democrats insist on running someone older than Trump, they are wasting a golden opportunity to highlight his age and obvious impairments as the serious campaign issues that they should be.

Bernie Sanders:  born September 8, 1941 - age 78
Mike Bloomberg:  born:  February 14, 1942  - age 78
Joe Biden:  born November 20, 1942 - age 77
Donald Trump:  born June 14, 1946 - age 73

This old fart respectfully submits that the individuals listed above might make an acceptable bridge foursome at Shady Pines, but when it comes to leading our country and running the free world, we can and must do better.

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