Monday, March 2, 2020

Breakfast Is Served!

by Pa Rock
Champion of Breakfast

Every month or two I make the long drive to the Kansas suburbs of Kansas City to spend a weekend with my son and his family.  Until about a year ago one of the highlights of that trip involved me getting up early and going to the local Wendy's - about a half-mile from Tim's house - and bringing back a bag of breakfast - saving my hosts from having to get up and immediately start cooking.  That store offered a nice variety of breakfast sandwiches that were definitely much better than those coughed up by the local McDonalds.  

There weren't many Wendy's offering breakfast - in fact, that was the only one that I knew about.  I suggested to my hometown Wendy's that they should look at serving breakfast, but they blew me off.  If I wanted breakfast from Wendy's, I would have to go to Kansas to get it!

But last year that changed.  Without the courtesy of seeking my approval, the Wendy's in Tim's neighborhood suddenly quit serving breakfast - and on my past several visits to the Kansas City area Macys I have had to go through the drive-through at the McDonalds.  It was a poor substitute.

Then last month the Wendy's by Tim's house had signs up at their store announcing that they were hiring for people to cook and serve breakfast.  That was big (and welcome) news!  And last week I saw a sign here in West Plains announcing that our local Wendy's would also begin serving breakfast!

And that started this morning!

In fact, Wendy's began selling breakfast nationwide this morning!

The new menus aren't exactly like the one I was used to in Kansas City - there are no bacon and egg Panini's, for instance - but the selection still looks great.  And, Wendy's is making a commitment to use only fresh eggs - eggs cracked and cooked right on the prenisis as the customers wait.

Wendy's complete breakfast menu is available on the internet.  I didn't make it there today, but will try to get in line for a fresh breakfast tomorrow!

And meanwhile back at McDonalds:

In an effort to deflate the Wendy's breakfast debut, McDonalds has declared today to be "National Egg McMuffin Day" and is giving a free Egg McMuffin to any customer who would like one - today only. The catch is that the free sandwich has to be ordered off of the company's app - a strategy which shows a definite bias against people like me who aren't even sure what an "app" is - and sure as hell don't know how to acquire or use one!

Stuff it, Ronald.  See you @Wendy's. 


Xobekim said...

Wendy's is indeed muscling in on the breakfast market. One ad they run tells of the former McDonald's corporate chef having found his favorite breakfast sandwich, of course at Wendy's. Many of the KC area Quick Trips have expanded kitchens where you can order your food cooked and not gamble on the age of the wrapped packages in the bins. Even when they are from that morning some don't remain at the peak of freshness. The past few months I have tried the
2 for $4 sausage egg mcmuffin from mc'd's. They are good. But apparently I consume too much fast food and I will have to refrain from frequenting these restaurants.

Pa Rock said...

The Sausage Egg McMuffin is my favorite breakfast sandwich from McDonalds, also - but it is a "fat bomb" that will kill old people with tricky tickers. The best things in life are seldom good for you!