Sunday, April 21, 2019

The Roost at Easter

by Pa Rock
Farmer in Spring

It's Easter Sunday here at Rock's Roost - and to celebrate I will soon head out to the chicken coop to look for the daily egg that my little red hen has suddenly begun hiding.  There are a couple of dozen nesting boxes available for the solitary hen, but several weeks ago she came off of a laying hiatus and began dropping one egg a day on a hard board shelf, invariably cracking her achievements and making them unusable for human consumption.  But I outsmarted my plump feathered friend and made a nice nest of wood shavings over the spot where she had chosen to do her business - and for a few weeks I was collecting one uncracked brown egg a day.  But over the past few days Little Red has gotten crafty and the eggs have disappeared.

So on this beautiful Easter Sunday Pa Rock will be hunting an egg.

I will also be pulling weeds in the garden spot, getting ready to set out the tomato and pepper plants which are in boxes on the back porch patiently waiting to be stuck in the ground.  Last year I planted a really nice garden, and my geese enjoyed the young green plants immensely.  This year the geese have moved to someone else's farm, and I will try planting a garden again.

I didn't get any baby chicks this year which is just as well because Fiona chose to use the nursery in the chicken coop to have and raise her third family.  The mama farm cat gave birth to five little ones on April 6th.  So far they are still curled up in the corner of the room in which they were born, but I am hopeful that they will soon be out exploring their new home.  Fiona's new litter consists of one yellow kitty, one gray-striped, and three blacks.   They should be ready to place in another month.

For the past few days I have been moving several small wood piles located in various places around the farm into one big wood pile out front by the road.  From there it will either be sold or given away to use as campfire wood or heating wood for next winter.  My goal in moving all of the little piles was to make the yard easier to mow.  I have mowed once already, and the yard could stand another good mow right now.

There is a young dogwood tree in the front yard is loaded with beautiful white blossoms, and it is a spring showpiece.  I have planted several dogwoods over the past two years, but this one, in particular, has made all of the digging worthwhile.    It is a blooming proclamation of spring!

Enjoy this magnificent spring day . . . and have a happy Easter!

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