Saturday, February 10, 2024

Spring Peeks Through

by Pa Rock
Friend of Nature

According to reports on Ozark Groundhog News, most of the local groundhogs failed to see their shadows a week ago yesterday when they emerged from their winter burrows for a few minutes to see if the sun was shining.  It was an overcast day, no sun, no shadows, and, according to the old wives who were gathered down at the local Walmart to malign their neighbors and pray for Trump, that means that spring is just about here.

There is probably something to that groundhog thing, because the last few days have been unseasonably warm with highs in the sixties.   It's been so warm, in fact, that the narcissus are all coming up and are currently about an inch-and-a-half high.  Winter is supposed to take another pass through the area on Monday with snow and rain, so the spring flowers still face some challenges.

There are several groundhogs who burrow beneath Rock's Roost, but I didn't see any of them above ground last week.  They should at least be out spotting the narcissus so they know where to dig for yummy bulbs later in the summer.  Maybe the lazy groundhogs will show up at Easter wearing rabbit ears and pooping decorated eggs!

I neglected the birds this week, letting them completely clean out a couple of their feeders, but today I will journey outside and get the feeders filled and ready for the next cold snap.

The neighbor's cat hasn't been by for breakfast in several days.  I think the big dog, Gypsy, has him scared off.  I have heard that there is now a family of cats living in the barn.  I haven't seen them yet, but I still have plenty of cat food in reserve if they get brave enough to come to the house and beg for a meal.  Gypsy, of course, may have something to say about it if they do.

When spring finally does get here the grass will kick into gear, and I am ready.  Last week I sent the big mower, the "Dixie Chopper" in for its winter refurbishment.  It's back now and looks and runs great, ready for the challenges of a long, hard summer of mowing.

It's still early February, so winter definitely is not over - but spring is peeking through!

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