Friday, December 8, 2023

Sex Scandal in the Sunshine State

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

The state of Florida has worked diligently over the past few years to position itself as an arbiter of public morality, especially when it comes to things which its political leaders seem to believe will negatively impact minors.  Florida zealously guards its public school curricula with an eye toward "protecting" children from uncomfortable and ungodly topics such as actual history, race, gender, and sex - and pulls books which address those topics from library shelves with wild abandon.  

Of course, conservative bastions such as Florida are also filled to the borders with adult hypocrites, so even if books on controversial topics aren't readily available, and teachers have been browbeaten and forced to teach from state-sanitized materials, there are still plenty of raunchy examples right down the street from which students can observe and learn.

Take, for instance, the latest GOP sex scandal that is rocking the state of Florida:

Christian Ziegler, the chair of the Republican Party in Florida, is being investigated by Sarasota police following an allegation that he committed sexual assault on a woman with whom he and his wife, Bridget, reportedly had a sexual three-way last year.  

Bridget Ziegler was a co-founder of "Mom's for Liberty," a national right-wing organization with an anti LGBTQ+ focus that is trying to influence public education by electing its members to school boards across the nation.  Mrs. Ziegler is not only an elected member of the Sarasota County School Board, last year she even served as chairwoman of the board.  

In early October of this year, Christian Ziegler reportedly set up another three-way with his wife and the same woman, but later texted the woman saying that it would just be him.  She said that she then backed out saying that she was mainly in it for the wife, but Christian Ziegler came over anyway. Two days later the woman made a report to Sarasota Police claiming that he had been raped.  She said that Mr. Ziegler had not used a condom, and a rape kit as administered at a local hospital.  Christian Ziegler says the sexual encounter was consensual, and his wife told police detectives that she and her husband had participated in one three-way sexual encounter with the alleged victim the preceding year.

A couple of members of the Sarasota County School Board are calling on Bridget Ziegler to resign her seat on the school board, arguing that her time on the board has been driven by politics and not by the educational needs of the students in the school district.

Many Republicans in Florida, including the state's Republican governor, Ron DeSantis, are calling on Christian Ziegler to step down as the state's party chair, but so far those calls have been in vain and Ziegler is hanging onto his influential post in GOP politics.   One very important state Republican, however, has been silent on the issue.  Donald John "Grab 'em by the _____" Trump apparently has nothing of value to add to the discussion.

Keep pulling those books off of the shelves, Florida, and your kids will grow up angelic and pure-of-heart, unless, of course, they encounter newspapers along the way. 

"Hey, Mama, what's a three-way?"

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