Tuesday, January 3, 2023

Don Junior Peddles Patriotic Bibles

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Some are comparing Donald Trump, Jr's latest grift as an attempt to make himself into a modern day Moses Pray - Ryan O'Neal's depression era, door-to-door Bible salesman character from 1973's classic movie, "Paper Moon."  Yup, Don, Junior, a man most people don't rush to associate with religion, has been on the internet of late in a video promoting the sale of a patriotic version of the Bible.  

The product that Junior is promoting is called the "We the People Bible," and in addition to being "made, printed, and assembled" in America, the leather bound book contains the complete text of the King James version of the Bible - in an 11-point font - as well as copies of some of our country's founding documents.  It's all there, a complete and handy reference for the proud and patriotic Christian nationalist.

Seeing and hearing Don, Jr, spout his Godly words on the internet put me in mind of the time his daddy autographed Bibles at a church in Alabama following a deadly tornado.  Some, including this shaky old typist, felt that a politician autographing the Good Book might represent the blurring of a line - a line like the one that is supposed to separate religion from politics, but the Jesus-loving Trump never paid that liberal elitist woke malarky no never mind no how.

And now the Son of Trump is making the word of God - and the words of Jesus in red letters - along with our God-inspired documents of freedom, available to anyone who wants them for just $89.99 to $129.99, depending on the package of doodads with which it is purchased.  (There is no word yet on whether Junior would autograph copies, and if so, how much that would add to the cost.)

But, in the mean time, praise Jesus and pass the ammunition.  The religious right is on the march - or at least on the grift!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

It comes as no surprise that when grift is in the air a Trump is nearby.
Junior is no doubt trying to cash in on the heresy called Christian Nationalism, which is neither Christian nor patriotic.
Junior is no Moses Pray, he's not even a Tatum O'Neal, but he's spot on with the lyric to Paper Moon.
"It's a Barnum and Bailey world Just as phony as it can be," words that epitomize the Trumps.