Friday, May 13, 2022

MTG (Marge The Grifter) has a Big Payday!

by Pa Roc
Citizen Journalist

Oh my how politics have changed!

Back in the day when a politician went out to campaign, he (and it usually was a "he") had a special vehicle that he used solely for that purpose.  That car, or sometimes a pickup truck, was always a nicely maintained older model, something the common folks could identify with and appreciate.  Their congressman, or whatever, was a regular Joe, just like them.   The Cadillac Escalade or Jaguar stayed at home, locked securely in the garage.

That was then, but this is now, Baby!  

Now that we have had the spectacle of Donald Trump and his white trash, reality show opulence to help shape our national psyche, it is suddenly acceptable and even desirable to put on airs while campaigning.

At least that is what Georgia congresswoman Marjorie Taylor Greene  (a.k.a. MTG - or Marge The Grifter) seems to think.  Records released by the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) show that Marge used $92,000 in campaign contributions to buy herself a new, luxury campaign vehicle.  How sweet is that?!

The exact vehicle information has yet to be made public, but FEC records indicate that it was purchased from a Buick/GMC dealership, and that the highest priced vehicle currently listed on that company's website sells for $81,860.  It would appear as though Marge bought an extremely high-end vehicle and then had it "tricked out" with every extra that could be added.

According to,  Congresswoman Greene pulled in over three-quarters of a million dollars so far during this election cycle from retirees - and those old people undoubtedly take great comfort in knowing that she is using their social security money to drive around in style.  

So while Our Little Margie is busy driving around Georgia in her chrome-plated war wagon defending white America from the ravages of  Obama and Critical Race Theory, Gramma and her friends are luxuriating in their senior living spaces while enjoying yet another lunch of cat food meatloaf - and cheering her on!

If it wasn't for that danged CRT they could all be enjoying the good life - like Marge!

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