Monday, November 15, 2021

Catching Up with the Grandkids

by Pa Rock
Proud Grandpa

This past weekend I managed to speak by phone with my five youngest grandchildren, the five who are not yet adults.  I learned among other things that three of the five have already gotten their COVID shots and the other two will likely get theirs this week.  Pa Rock is proud of them for rolling up their sleeves and getting the shots that will protect them, their family, and their friends from the dreaded pandemic - and he is proud of their parents for defying the ignorance that is being spread by anti-vaxxers over social media.

Pa Rock wants all of his grandchildren to be healthy - and getting those shots helps to make sure that they will be.

Of the Oregon grandchildren:

Grandson Judah, age eleven, had the least to say to his old Granddad.  He answered one quick question about a computer game that has captured his interest, and then buzzed off to do something more exciting than talk on the phone.  Judah will be twelve in a couple of weeks.

Granddaughter Willow also has a birthday coming up soon.  She will be ten.  Willow, who is far more loquacious than either of her brothers, chatted about school, her friends, and the family cats.  She enjoys taking care of the cats, has many friends, and is really glad to be back in school following all of the homebound education.  Willow is learning to play the violin at school.

Grandson Sebastian, who is fourteen, plays the tenor sax and has made all-state band - so he must be very good!  He told me that his favorite class is creative writing.  Sebastian published a book last year through entitled "The Royce Agency," a work of fiction which I reviewed in this blog.  He told me that he has expanded it into a three-book series, and the second volume is now available at Amazon.  "The Royce Agency:  Book Two" is a bargain at six dollars, and I ordered my copy this morning.

Of the Kansas grandchildren:

Grandson Sullivan, age five, is in kindergarten.  He is the youngest child in his class and had some difficulty adapting to school, but now seems to have settled into the routine and is enjoying the experience.  Sully and his sister had been to a play over the weekend, probably his first, and he was telling me about the singing in the play.  He is in for a major treat this Saturday night when I will join the family for an outing to see "A Christmas Carol" at the Kansas City Repertory Theatre.  We have front row seats, and he will really experience some singing there as the strolling carolers sashay right in front of his seat.  And those ghosts, especially the one on stilts, are amazing!

We have been taking Granddaughter Olive, who is ten, to see "A Christmas Carol" since she was four, and she has always loved the experience, so I am certain that Sully will, too!

Olive and I talked about the play that she and her brother saw over the weekend.  Apparently they knew some of the cast.  Olive and I talked about school during our telephone visit.  She is a good student and has always liked school.  She makes friends easily which adds to the fun of going to school.

So the younger grandkids are all doing well, and for that Pa Rock is very thankful indeed.


Xobekim said...

And though no longer a child, what news of Boone?

molly. said...

Thanks for the update! The Christmas Carol play sounds awesome! Yes, Willow is loquacious indeed. Very often she sounds like an adult when she speaks. Her teacher says she seems mature for her age and she appreciates her dry sense of humor. We are doing a drive-by for Judah's birthday. Willow has 2 friends she'll be going to an adventure park with for her birthday and one will hopefully sleepover.