Monday, October 25, 2021

Monday's Poetry: "Fall, leaves, fall"

by Pa Rock
Poetry Appreciator

Galloway Creek Nature Park is a forty-acre tract of land owned by the city of West Plains located about a quarter-of-a mile from my home.  Not only is it a pleasant walk to get to the park from my place, the park itself provides a scenic web of walking trails which weave through grassland exhibits, wooded areas, and across the creek (on bridges) in three locations.  It is a quiet and restful place, and a great venue for walking in nature.

Over the past few months the city has expanded the trail system. asphalted most of the trails, built flower beds, and planted new grass.   Galloway is becoming a true jewel in the city's park system.

I have been exploring the new hiking trails and recently came across a persimmon tree.  One lonely persimmon remained dangling on the small tree and it appeared almost ready to fall - a sure sign that we are deep into autumn.  The leaves, which are in the early stages of changing colors and falling to the ground, are also another sure sign that summer has departed and the cold winds of winter are not far away.

I will enjoy walking the winding trails of Galloway Park throughout the rest of autumn, and over the course of the winter I will drop by on the nicer days - and maybe on some that are not so nice.  I would like to see the little creek from the covered bridge when there is snow on the ground - and then perhaps enjoy a thermos of hot chocolate in the open-air pavilion.  

I appreciate the City of West Plains for the fine work that they are doing with the park system - and with the new solar farm!

Here are some thoughts by Emily Bronte as she observed the passing of autumn and looked forward to the drearier days of winter:

Fall, leaves, fall
by Emily Bronte

Fall, leaves, fall; die, flowers, away;
Lengthen night and shorten day;
Every leaf speaks bliss to me
Fluttering from the autumn tree.
I shall smile when wreaths of snow
Blossom where the rose should grow;
I shall sing when night’s decay
Ushers in a drearier day.

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