Thursday, December 17, 2020

Molly Files: A Busy Mom at Forty-four

by Pa Rock
Proud Papa 

My middle child, and only daughter, Molly Miranda Macy Files, turns forty-four today.  She and her husband, Scott, live in Oregon where they lead very busy lives as they struggle to survive in hectic times while raising three school-age children.  Molly is a "stay-at-home" mom who seldom has time to even sit down and catch her breath, much less pay attention to her personal needs.

Most days Molly will make two round trips (80 miles per trip) up and down Oregon's busy Interstate 5 to take one of her kids to school and back, and she runs a "Mom shuttle" to various child activities around town.  Of course now, with much of school occurring at home, she also has to make sure that the technology is up and running and the kids are where they are supposed to be and focused on learning.  All of that - and being a part of an active family that has seen its world upended by the pandemic!

Last night Molly sent out a middle-of-the-night (at least in Missouri!) text alerting family and friends that her and Scott's oldest, Sebastian Files - aged 13, has had a book published through Amazon that is available on Kindle.  It is entitled "The Royce Agency" and involves a family-run crime-fighting agency.  (More details in this space after I have had a chance to read it.)    I understand from Sebastian that a sequel  is in the works!

Today is Molly's day, and her Dad hopes that she is able to schedule a bit of peaceful respite for herself sometime during the day.  She's earned some cake and ice cream - and maybe even a power nap!

Happy birthday, Molly!  I am amazed by all you do!

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