Sunday, July 26, 2020

Portland Lifts the Torch of Liberty High and Proud

by Pa Rock
Citizen Journalist

Protesters have been out nightly on the streets of Portland, Oregon, since May 28th.  For sixty days they have been showing up every night in support of Black Lives Matter as they protest the senseless killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police last May.  Actually, the protest began over he killing of Mr. Floyd, but a few weeks into the demonstrations the focus began to change as the Trump administration sent uniformed provocateurs into Portland for the express purpose of challenging the protesters, keeping them stirred up, and posing as some sort of stabilizing force in a world weary of street chaos.

Now the good people of Portland show up each night to protest for Black Lives Matter and against the presence of federal troops in their city.

Donald Trump's Homeland Security troops showed up in early July for the stated purpose of protecting federal property - primarily Portland's federal courthouse and justice center.  Each night they would show up and form a perimeter around the courthouse - and show-off for the press by occasionally lobbing canisters of teargas into the crowds and punctuating the chaos with showers of rubber bullets.

Everyone had a part to play in the drama, and the press rushed around recording it for posterity.

But then the federal troops began overplaying their hand.  Late at night they would patrol further and further from the courthouse.  Soon the uniformed troops, who wore no name tags or unit insignias, were being captured on digital videos taking protesters off of the streets and hauling them away in unmarked vans.  Oregon politicians complained, lawsuits were filed, and both sides dug in for what was becoming an increasingly bitter and hostile confrontation.

Several days ago a group of women wearing yellow shirts and calling themselves the "Wall of Moms" began showing up and forming a line to protect protesters from the uniformed thugs who were trying to steal the street narrative.  A day or two later a second wave, the "Wall of Veterans" showed up to provide cover for the Moms who were increasingly coming under attack by Trump's troops.  Now another local contingent, "the Raging Grannies," have joined in the mix to protect Portland's homegrown protesters.

Local politicians are also on hand to show their anger and frustration at the federal government.  Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler was among the locals teargassed one evening earlier this week.

A group of Portland dad's have waded into the street protests with leaf-blowers, handy gadgets that work beautifully for blowing teargas back onto the people who launched it in the first place.

The point is that Portland has a spirit and a resilience that will not be subdued by an invading army.    Trump chose to impose himself on Portland because he saw it as a leftwing city that carried no political risk for him whatsoever.    Portland would never be Trump country, so why not rush in, bust a few heads, grab some headlines, and then, once the place was subdued - as it inevitably would be -  declare victory and go home.  That's roughly the same plan that LBJ had for Vietnam - to begin with.

But Trump has lost Portland much as LBJ lost Vietnam, he just does not realize it yet.  Every night more Portlanders are on the streets, every night they get more creative in their response to the invading army, and every night they come off winning the hearts and minds of the people - both in and around Portland as well as across the United States.  Portland has come to represent a freedom-loving people struggling to throw off an out-of-control and oppressive government force.

America is watching - and America knows who the good guys are!

Stand strong, Portland!  America is with you!

1 comment:

Xobekim said...

I am pretty sure that Trump is finally committing treason. His invasion of the sovereign state of Oregon amounts to waging war on Oregonians. The Constitution, Article III Section 3 says"

"Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. No person shall be convicted of treason unless on the testimony of two witnesses to the same overt act, or on confession in open court."